Chapter Thirty

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The afternoon air was crisp and dry. Golden leaves crunched beneath my boots and the autumn breeze fanned my cheeks. I blew air into my hands before stuffing them in my pockets. Trust me to forget my gloves at home, but to be fair, I didn't expect to be outside for so long.

Brooklyn dragged me out of the house at 10am. I thought she was joking about doing some early Christmas shopping, but I realised she was very serious when she called me in the morning and demanded I get ready.

I wasn't the best shopper. In fact, I hated it. The hustle and bustle, hours of walking, and spending money I didn't have ... none of it appealed to me. But luckily for Brooks, I was in a good mood.

So much had changed in a day. After the brief meeting with Kayden about our relationship, I deliberated on what to do. I weighed the pros and cons—to be honest, there weren't any cons—and finally accepted him as mine. Now we were together. It was strange, but in a good way; a way that made my belly clench whenever I thought of it. Kayden was my person, and I was his.

"What're you smiling for?" Brooklyn asked.

I shook my head. I'd already told her about me and Kayden, to which she screamed in my face for a solid 10 minutes. But I didn't want to talk about him all day. Instead, I said, "Just looking forward to Christmas."

She grinned. "That's the spirit! What are you wearing to the concert, by the way?"

I shrugged. "Not sure yet. Something warm though, it's gonna be freezing."

"True." She sighed happily. "Can't believe we're going. Kayden's the best."

I smiled at the mention of his name. To think Kayden bought two Drake concert tickets just because he overheard how much I wanted to go. And he insisted I took Brooklyn with me. How could I not fall for him?

We lugged our bags to Footlocker. I grimaced at how busy it was. Somehow, I always ended up back here. Brooklyn made a beeline to the women's trainers while I headed to the tills where Mohammed was pricing sale items.

"You alright, Mo?"

He looked up and smiled. "What's good, Beccs?"

"Not much. Just Christmas shopping."

He cocked his head. "In October?"

"Tell that to my friend," I muttered, nodding my chin in Brooklyn's direction. Mohammed laughed, and I leaned over to grab the rota. "Who's in today?"

"Just me, Nathan and Natasha."

I nodded and looked for one name in particular. Kayden had swapped today's shift for tomorrow instead. He wanted us to spend time together tonight, so he changed his schedule. Something about that made my heart flutter.

Damn, I was so far gone.

Brooklyn called for me. I put the rota down and joined her by the accessories. She analysed a black Adidas cap with a frown on her face.

"You think Charles would like this?"

I shrugged. "I don't see why not. Maybe get a beanie? It's cold."

She hummed and picked up the same design in beanie form. "I dunno. He's got such a small head. Might not look right."

I laughed. "Up to you."

Natasha came from the stockroom with a skip full of sale items. She spotted me and wheeled the skip over with a smile on her face. "Hey, girl. You working today?"

"Nah, just doing some shopping with my friend." Brooklyn waved and Natasha gave a friendly wave back. Then she looked around curiously.

"No Kayden?" she asked. I didn't miss the hopeful gleam in her eye. She once admitted to having a crush on him, despite him being way too young for her. Suddenly, I felt very territorial.

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