01| "you like Chase?"

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Jessica | Ethan

One year later

Hello Jessica, this is Ethan, Mason's friend. Chase must've informed you, we're planning to give Mason a surprise tonight. You remember the plan, right?

Yup, keep him distracted for about four hours and then bring him straight to the school football ground.

Just so you know, all of you owe me. It's not easy to bear Mase for effing four hours!

Also, where is Chase? Wasn't he supposed to be the one contacting me?

Sure, we owe you.

Gosh honey, I'm hurt. I can't believe you like Chase more than me!

Shut up, you idiot. 

I just want to make sure that I don't have to save his sorry ass, again. 

He's fine. Probably flirting with some random chick. 

Typical Chase. *sigh*

Aww, does Jessica like Chase? Is she hurt that he's flirting with other girls and not her?

Don't you have a party to plan, you dumbass?

You're cute when you are all offensive.

Let me know what you think!



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