12. I wanna be drunk with your scent

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"Jungkook, do you like your new room?" Wonshik asks as Jungkook was standing there. Staring at the light pastel coloured room. It has it warmth on it. A smile spread across Jungkook's face.

"I like it." Jungkook looks at Wonshik as Taekwoon was walking up to them. A new start. Jungkook walks deeper in to the room and lays on the bed. He didn't notice the stars at the ceiling before. It looks cute. He didn't have them before but it's cute.

"Can I go for a walk?" Jungkook asks as he sits up on the bed.
"So you can get to know the neighbourhood?" Taekwoon asks and Jungkook nods back at him.

"Just, don't get lost. I'll get going too, honey. The other students are calling me." Wonshik says as he leaves them. Jungkook wasn't sure how would the people at school react when he gets back there tomorrow. It would be nice to be invisible.

"Have fun at work, honey." Taekwoon answer back and smiles happily as Wonshik waves back at him. He almost tripped himself when opening the door. Jungkook gets up from his bed taking his phone into his pocket.

"Here are the keys for you. I might be at the work too when you get back." Taekwoon gives the keys to Jungkook. It has a little lion keychain attached to it. It looks cute. Jungkook feels like he is treated like a small child. Maybe they want to make up the childhood he has mostly missed.

"Have fun exploring. You are our cutie son and it would be shame if our  son doesn't have fun. Love you." Taekwoon wents for the hug as he said those sweet words. Jungkook hugs back feeling so normal and happy.

"You have fun at work. See you later... Dad." Jungkook says as he walks away to the door. Leaving happy Taekwoon behind.
"He just called me a dad." Taekwoon whispers in joy. He finally said it to him. He is going to make Wonshik jealous.

Jungkook was walking along the street. This place is so much closer to the school. He doesn't have to walk so much anymore. He doesn't have to live in that stinky house. He lives in a big apartment with his dads. They together can afford lot of things for such normal jobs.

Jungkook looks around and sees that there are lot of shops around the neighbourhood too. This feels like a heaven to him. Everything is so close to him. Maybe he should buy something. Maybe not. He isn't sure. A small coffee break from walking wouldn't be so bad.

It ended up being the greatest thing he decided to do. The closest cafe he got to was a cat cafe. Jungkook couldn't help but smile at every cat that walked by. The coffee was also really good but the cats were the best. It reminded himself of Viki.

He has asked if he can bring it at the house and they've agreed. They had a dog. So they agreed if it made Jungkook smile. They are too kind to him. He needs to pick up Viki today. Tomorrow he couldn't because it would be impossible to not to get caught.

His footsteps were getting closer to the school. He needs to pick up his cat.  It was hard to get him there in the first place too. Jungkook couldn't have left him at the old house too. His old shithead would have killed it and then kill him. Jungkook looks at the building.

"I hope no one notices me." Jungkook mumbles to himself as he puts his hood up and lowers his head. After few steps he took inside the school building he curses to himself as he forgot to bring his backpack. It would've been easier to carry Viki out if there.

Walking the stairs up. Jungkook notices that there is something on the door. A wooden sign. It wasn't there before. It says garden club at middle of the beautifully painted flowers. It looks pretty. Jungkook opens the door and notices how in great shape it is.

He walks around the garden admiring how greatly it has been hanled. Taekwoon and Namjoon has done a great job. Jungkook walks up to his second home. He doesn't have to run and hide there anymore. It can be just hanging spot.

Jungkook opens the door and looks around it. Still looks the same. The only difference is that Namjoon was sleeping on the couch with his cat on top of him.

"Oh, you are here." Jungkook says as he closes the door quietly. He doesn't want to wake him up and deal with him. Jungkook tip toes himself closer to the sleeping duo. He thinks to himself for a long time. How would he take his cat on top of this giant without waking him.

Jungkook carefully slides his hands under the cat. He tries to lift him up but it's claws are sunken on the Namjoon's shirt. Maybe his skin too. Jungkook thinks he has fucked up. Viki doesn't want to leave without Jungkook waking Namjoon.

"Okay you win." Jungkook says to the cat as his tail start waving in front of Namjoon's face. The cat really wants him to wake up and make Jungkook's life more harder. Jungkook lets out a sigh of defeat as Namjoon starts to wake up.

Viki gets up and starts walking around Namjoon's chest before scratching his face. Namjoon lets out a loud groan as his eyes start to open slowly. Viki meows as Jungkook picks him up to his arms. Namjoon was now fully awake.

"I won't bother you anymore." Jungkook says as he was about to leave.
"Wait! Jungkook!" Namjoon screams and he stops.

"Won't you get caught? Here let me help you." Namjoon says as he picks up his backpack. He starts emptying it  from the books.

"Let's put him in here and carry the books."

My love //Namkook//حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن