11. You're beautiful

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"Kim Namjoon! Are you even listening!?" The teacher screamed at him. He really wasn't paying any attention to her. He was spacing out the whole time he was there. He didn't answer back to the teacher and looked back at the view behind the window.

He hasn't slept well the last few days. Not after that visit in that hospital. He knew it would turn out that way. Who wouldn't forgive someone like him. Namjoon felt something rising inside him. He wasn't sure what to call it. But either way he didn't like the feeling.

Students were whispering as Namjoon continued not to pay attention to the class and the teacher. She was pissed but brush it off. Namjoon was loosing himself inside that dreamland again.

"Is it just me or has Namjoon been not himself lately?

"I totally agree with you. He has been spacing out a lot."

"Maybe he is falling for someone? Maybe it's me."

"How can you still joke? It must be something else. He keeps sleeping in every class, too."

Nosy. Sticking their noses in someone else's business. Namjoon rolls his head on the desk to face the gossip girls. They really are not his taste. He turns again to face the window. After all this classes he sure needs to get to that garden. He needs to take his mind of things once again.

The bell rang and Namjoon rushed out of there. Not caring that the teacher was screaming at him to stay after the class. He needed space to breath. He needed some alone time at the garden club.

The students were staring at him as he lowered his head. Namjoon wasn't in the mood to talk anyone. Every question that where thrown at him. He ignored. He ignored his friends calling at him at end of the hall. Taehyung lowered his after he knew he didn't notice him. When in reality he chose not to notice Taehyung.

The footsteps up the staircase felt heavy and tired. Namjoon's mind was filling with questions and thoughts about what Jungkook was thinking about him. He wasn't sure why it mattered so much to Namjoon. When did Jungkook's thoughts of him mattered?

As he opened Taekwoon wasn't there waiting for him. It was the cat. He has really settled there. The cat always had kept it's distance on Namjoon. Namjoon closes the door behind him. He doesn't want anyone to disturb him.

"Okay, Viki. If you are going to stare at me and judge me about my life decision. Can you at least tell me if I did the right? On meeting your owner Jungkook?" Namjoon asked from the cat as he crouched down. The cat was silently judging him before running deeper in to the garden.

Namjoon lets out a sigh and starts walking after the cat. Deeper in to the garden. Namjoon learned to apreace the garden and take care of if too. Thanks to Taekwoon. He learnt a lot from him. Namjoon was kinda sad that he stopped coming here few days ago.

Taekwoon said that he was busy with some paperwork. Namjoon was left alone in the garden. As he has spent his time taking care of it. He has never step his foot inside the small house that was there. Maybe he should go there today. He needed to feed the cat. His bowl was empty.

"Viki, do you think I make dumb decisions?" Namjoon asked again as he stepped closer to the door of the little house. The cat seemed to follow him. Namjoon opened the door and saw it has it character in it.

They always say that a room can tell a lot about yourself. It looks cozy and kind. Warm colours here and there. Namjoon looks at the desk. Drawings and sketches on the desk. Jimin must have drawn them. The name on the corner gave it away. Jungkook must treasure every gift that is given to him.

Namjoon spots the bed upstairs but doesn't bother to walk up there. Even if he wants to spend his night here. He wouldn't sleep on the bed. It's a house he shouldn't be in the first place but the cat must be hungry. Taekwoon has been feeding him all the time but he hasn't been there for few days and Namjoon had brought some food from the cafeteria.

He was a coward to get inside. Namjoon was mostly a coward if you thought about for long. Yet sometimes he was brave enough to sacrifice his life in protests and prides. He was always the shield. He would hit someone if they were homophobic or racist.

But still in school. He couldn't mostly do that. He could get expelled and his parents would be mad at him. Namjoon takes his jacket of and places it on the couch. He walks up where the cat was scratching the door of some cabinet.

"You must be hungry." Namjoon whispers as he opens it and takes the cat food out of it. He pours it one of the bowls that were meant for the cat. It was staring at him and started eating straight away as Namjoon placed the bowl down. It made Namjoon smile little.

He walked up to the couch and pulled his phone. So many messages but not any calls. He still needs to take care of the plants. Namjoon looks at the time. 4pm. A small nap wouldn't be bad? Namjoon places the pillow better under his head and closes his eyes again. Maybe he would fall asleep here better than back at home.

Fall asleep to scent that belong to a certain flowerboy. Namjoon's mind wasn't there anymore. The cat had done it's eating and was making it's way to Namjoon. He settled on top of his chest. Curling up in to a ball.

The first interaction Namjoon has gotten fron the cat and he wasn't there to witness it. They both are sleeping peacefully.

"Oh, you are here."

My love //Namkook//Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang