7. You're so beautiful

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"Have you heard the rumors, Namjoon?" Taehyung asks. He wasn't in the mood to answer to him.

"There is a rumour going that Jungkook's father was an alcoholic maniac. Also that Jungkook is gay faggot. I can't believe those homophobes." Taehyung sighs. That boy was really against homophobic and transphobic people. His little sister is a lesbian trans woman and he would do anything to beat up people who insulted his little sister. Taehyung is a good brother.

"Those idiots won't really shut their mouths. Always spreading misinformation about Jungkook." Yoongi spokes and gives a look at Namjoon. He has been quiet this whole time. Thinking if he should go to the garden to take of that place or go visit that boy in the hospital.

"Namjoon, you've changed a lot recently." Yoongi comments. He was right. Namjoon turns around to look at him.
"Yoongi isn't wrong. You've changed in to a better person a little." Jin now comments at his behaviour.

"You've finally given up on bullying him and admitting you were in the wrong to hurt him?" Yoongi asks cornering Namjoon at his own thoughts.

"Yeah, still. I won't stop beating up people. I now only beat those who hurt my friends. You happy?" Namjoon guves him an answer and goes back to thinking which of the options he should go for.

"Finally. I'm happy that we are all open minded people and beat everyone who are hurting our friends. We also never ever dare to make a move to our boyfies because that's scarier than vandalizing the school." Yoongi spokes out loud as the rest of the friend group laughs at him. It was too accurate to describe them.

As the they went to their own clubs. Jin in to cooking club. Taehyung in to photography club. Yoongi in to music club. Namjoon went to teacher's room to ask a key to the garden. The teachers gave him weird looks. Especially the taecher with classes. In Namjoon's eyes he looked like a hot rapper.

"That teacher's name was Mr. Kim? Right?" Namjoon mumbled to himself. He walked along the hallways thinking about what would he say to Jungkook. Sure they didn't have a great connection between them. He wanted to make him feel special. After all. He made him feel unwanted.

5 days ago. The scene of him laying on there in front of him. Covered in bruises, blood and wounds. Looking all fragile. A single hit and he would break more. He didn't mind him being half naked. The wounds were brutal. Still in that pile of wounds. There were wounds that he also made.

He is also the reason why Jungkook now has a bad reputation at school and has only one friend. Stepping the stairs up in to the garden club's door. His footsteps were getting heavier. He had no idea how to take care of plants. But the thought he tried to take care of them counts? Also Jungkook likes dead flowers so it wouldn't mind either?

"Why is the door open?" Namjoon mumbles to himself as he looks at the door. It's all the way open. Shouldn't it be closed? Namjoon steps closer to door and sees the garden in front of him. It looked so ethereal. Like from a fantasy book. Did Jungkook really take care of this all alone?

"Oh, hi there." An unfamiliar voice spoke. Namjoon turned around to see where the voice came from. A tall figure was placing some flowers upside down from the string. Namjoon had no idea what he was doing.

"Oh, I'm just putting these flowers ready to get dried. So what are you here for?" He asks again. Namjoon thought he for a second that he is also a new member of the club but he looks way older to be in theschool anymore.

"I'm the new club member Kim Namjoon. And who are you?" Namjoon asks as he slowly gets closer to the man that's eyes looks like they would belong to a cat. The man gets down and walks closer to Namjoon.

"I'm Jung Taekwoon. I'm here to take care of Jungkook's garden. That kid really knows how to take care of different plants." Taekwoon mutters the last sentence. Namjoon still wasn't sure why was he still here at the first place.

"Wait, you are that Namjoon who called the police, right?" Taekwoon snapped his fingers at him as Namjoon got more confused. So, he just nodded back.

"You must wonder why I am here." Taekwoon looks around before looking back at Namjoon.
"But first tell me. Do you really know how to take care of these plants?" Taekwoon asks.

"Actually  I have no idea, but I want to help him somehow." Namjoon answers back to him honestly. Taekwoon lets out a small chuckle.

"You really have changed. I hope you keep going to the better side of yourself. Jungkook is really confused about you but still thankful about you small baby steps to build a better connection between the two of you." Taekwoon says as he pulls his gloves off.

"How do you-" Taekwoon sushs him.
"I little bird has told me a lot about the two of you. Also, as a future father of Jungkook's I must take good care of his garden. Like a good florist dad." Taekwoon says and Namjoon just stares at him. Jungkook is getting adopted? He hopes no one heard them.

"I'll teach how to take care of these plants until Jungkook gets back. So, he would feel more welcomed when he gets back here." Taekwoon says as he hands the gloves to Namjoon.

"We should meet him together at hospital someday. If you are too coward to go alone."

My love //Namkook//जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें