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Our tale begins, in the heart of Sicily, referred to as earth, by the mortals. Deep within the fields of dew drops and lilys, sat a wonderful, angelic goddess. Her skin was hot pink, and her hair even pinker. Her skin radiated the complection of aphrodite, and she held many curves. She was kore, goddess of spring. She had led a sheltered life, trapped under the authorative wing of her mother demeter. She had no friends, except the flower nymphs that trailed her everywhere she went. As she reached her 300th year, a rebellion sparked inside her. She craved darkness and lust, things which she had never desired before. Join me, as we explore the tale, of how kore, spring goddess, became queen persephone, bringer of death, and queen of the underworld.

Loosely based on the characters of lore olympus by Rachel smythe. If you have any requests feel free to comment. Also, this will contain mature themes such as smut, swearing, ect.

When Spring Met Winter ~Hades and PersephoneWhere stories live. Discover now