I could hear Michael despretly calling out to me but in my state I couldn't respond. Not while a gun was pressed into my skin.

'A mark?' He questioned, eyes raised in slight confusion. 'And mind link to?' He chuckled to himself. 'This is perfect it really is. A slow death for you would be torture to him,' he spat, a small wad of spit landing on my cheek. Even though I was discusted I once again couldn't bring myself to do anything.

'Do me a favour, pretty.' He said, sending a shiver of discust down my spine.
'You tell your pretty little mate that his life is about to become hell. Do you know why?' He asked me in a tone you would use with a three year old wondering why the sky is blue.

'Because when I, for instance take this knife here,' he said evilly reaching to to his jacket pocket and bring out out a small pocket knife. He flipped it open and the silver blade caught the morning sun making it shine and look that much more dangerous. 'And press it into your skin to draw blood,' a yell left my lips when I felt the blade peircing my skin and I could feel the tears leaving my eyes.

'Michael will be able to sense your in pain, and since his locked up and helpless while I torture his mate, his wolf will slowly weaken to a point where he will welcome death with open arms.' An evil chuckle left his lips at his explanation.

'Please no,' I pleaded feeling a trickle of blood leaving my upper arm where he cut me. The stinging of it was still there but I tried to block it out. Michael would be going through worse, I reminded myself.

'Go on, tell him.' He smugly nodded at my head.

Alana! Fucking answer me! Michael roared in my mind and only now that Richard had stopped talking could I properly hear how distressed he is.

I'm here Mikey, I whispered quietly to him.

Alana what the fuck is going on?! Are you okay, are you hurt? I feel like you in pain! He questioned non stop.

Mikey!! I pleaded with him to stop talking.
It's Richard, I started.
He has a gun and a knife and is going to kill me. I told him,the reality of my death setting in finally.

As soon as I told Michael I was going to die, the tears started trickling down my cheeks. I rejected him as a mate to avoid what was happening now and I would have been safe if the bond broke properly. But it didnt.

He what!? Alana, baby, listen to me. He pleaded trying to calm me down but I could her the panic and anger in my mind.

His not doing shit to you, keep talking to me and I'm going to get you out of there. He reassured me but was failing miserably.

You're locked up, both of us can't contact anyone. I'm dead and you know it. I told him in defeat, embarrassed from my negative thinking but I couldn't help it.

Don't talk like that, do you hear me? Kick or hit the gun from his hand, beat him up and I know your capable of doing that. Just give me some time I'll figure out something. He instructed trying to keep calm but he wasn't doing so well at that.

There's, he has. There's another wolf here on his side. I said quietly and I didnt get a response for a whole.

Fucking hell! I heard Michael yell. I could only imagine what he was doing cooped up in his cell, anger and rage over powering his thoughts and trying to destroy everything. I expect nobody would be stupid enough to go down there when his wolf is like that, bars or no bars.

Mikey, I- but I was cut off.

The knife pearced my skin again, this time stabbing into my arm and I let out a scream of pain.

'That was heart breaking, it really was,' Richard said in fake empathy. 'But I have a job to do so,' he smiled wickedly and ripped the knife out of my arm, his smile growing as I cried in pain.

What is it Alana? Tell me? Michael was urgently asking me. I know your in pain, I can sense it.

A punch to my face got me to stop speaking to him; and as soon as the punch ended I was laying down on the ground. A kick to my stomach knocked the wind out of me and I felt the air rushing around my body as I was picked up by my hair and thrown down the few steps and onto the grass.

A chuckle was heard as well and a small growl from the black wolf who just sat there watching the whole scene play out.

Quickly I pushed myself up to my feet, swaying slightly as I stood but I was standing never less. I raised my hands infront of my face as Richard stormed over to me, determined to make me feel like hell.

As he raised his strong arm, mine jumped infront of my face to protect me. Even though I blocked the punch, my arm felt numb from the blow it just received. Groaning in pain, I took the suprised shock from Richard to swing my fist, getting him square in the nose.

There was a cracking sound or blood, so no damage had been done but in his shocked state, I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

A painful groan left his lips as his face scrunched in pain, his hands lowering to cup his balls to reduce the pain as he fell to his knees. This was my chance, my chance to get out of here.

Picking up the gun near my feet for safety reasons, I bolted towards the woods. My heart lifted as I saw my escape, only for it to plummet back down as I felt to large paws fly into my back, sending me hurling towards the ground.

I yelled as I fell harshly to the floor face first. Twisting my body so I landed on my back, a huff left my lips as the wind was knocked out of me once again. The gun flew from my hands but as I went to collect it hurriedly, a deep growl made me freeze in my place.

Standing either side of my torso was two large laws and above my head was sharp k-nines and a growling black wolf.


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