Chapter 23 - Part 2

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Chants and mumbles echoed within the church as soft cries came from my side. Agatha leaned into my side weeping silently. Small scraps scabbed over, but still healing littered her face. A soft broken smile filled me as I squeezed her tight to my side in silence.

Shortly, after the announcements were made a daring man claiming to be a loyal follower of Chloe came to the castle to confront me. His name was Xavier. Covered in ash, he brought Agatha and Albian to me. The story was quick but they had explained that Xavier had fled during the siege on Walden manor. As they had left, Xavier snuck back in and rescued my family from the flames they were sentenced to. Grateful to his efforts, I had learned all he had done for Chloe and their mission. With Agatha to vouch for these claims and my own knowledge it was an easy choice to grant him my dukedom. Alexandria needed a man like him to lead us into a new beginning, to correct the wrongs that our belated king had done.

Agatha wiped her tears daring not to look up at me. It tortured her to watch my suffering over the woman whom she believed to be within the casket before us, the same woman who risked her life to save her out of love for me. Had she made it to Caprese? I'd never know, I can only silently hope and lead her people towards a new age where she can be free again. Leaning down into Agatha, I whispered, "She's free now, do not cry too much for her."

A dreadful gulp was the last noise she made as the ceremony ended. Walking out from my seat, I stepped between the two grand caskets draped with the Alexandrian flags, and adorned with the kingdom's gems. My hand caressed the one jeweled casket as I remembered her sparkling eyes, they really did match perfectly to an Alexandrite. A tired sigh filled me and I faced the crowd of nobles who filled the church awaiting for the final announcement.

"As the husband of the heir to Alexandria, I am bestowed the great honour to follow the final wishes of King Thaddeus. Together with all of our lords, we shall create a counsel, to rule this kingdom in place of our belated monarchs. For we shall become an Oligarchy. I wish not for the crown and here in my hand is an authenticated document by the royal scribe. This document is an announcement of Alexandria's conversion to Oligarchy. Our dukes have already met with me and are preparing to lead us all into a smooth transition." I announce loudly, as many lesser nobles gasp. Locking eyes with Henry, I sigh. It has been very few nights that I have slept. "With the departure of these monarchs, may they be within the mountain clouds with our great lord, I conclude the end of our monarchy."

Soft horns cried out in the announcement of the church doors opening. Men loyal to Chloe gathered around and aided me in hoisting her casket up onto our shoulders. My heart squeezed with memories and we trudged forward with the king's casket being carried behind us.

The bright sun blinds me as I step through the massive doors. Walls of commoners greet us. Somber faces and streaming tears were all I could see, as I led the parade. How many lives had Chloe actually affected during her time in Alexandria? She was born to be a leader, destined to correct the wrongs that had happened here, and she had done just that. Lifting their spirits for a new beginning, the people could finally prosper again, she had fulfilled her destiny.

We marched to the end of the path with the wide tomb open and waiting for us. The cold stone entrance far off the main trail. Forever this wooden box shall decompose inside and leave nothing but a memory of hope. Into the darkness, I led the men towards her engraved slot. We slid her casket into place with a harsh shove and a chill ran down my spine.

A tear threatened to fall again today. Silence filled us as many left without a word, but I couldn't leave. I just stared at her name engraved in stone.

"You're free now," I sighed tiredly. I had done so much to ensure this.

Henry had stood silently, till he reached out and rested a supportive hand on my shoulder. A soft somber smile exchanged between us, till we both knew we were alone and hope filled our hearts in the darkness. He sighed in relief, "This is what she would have wanted, you made the right choice," he nodded.

"Thank you," I grumbled. I have never had the chance to ask her, I just had to act alone, but Henry knew. Though I had never spoken a word to him, he knew the loyalty that truely lay within my people and the fact that I stayed here alone was enough for him to understand that she was in their care. No one spoke or dared ask in fear of spreading rumours because they all knew this is what she needed.

We exited the tomb, our somber gazes cast low, then I watched the tomb close with a soft sigh. Every monarch who lived had been buried here, except for one. Her secret now sealed forever within a tomb that is never to be opened again, and her casket would decompose, awaiting the truth that lies behind these doors. For her casket was empty, because she was never a monarch, but a commoner who I fell in love with.

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