Chapter 4 - Part 1

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An eerie sign hung low at a slant, the chain holding it had snapped. A cold wind hits me and my skin spreads with goosebumps. The sign creaked loudly with a swing from the gust of wind. 'Mudminster,' was etched into the wood, faded and tarnished with time.

Warmth from the summer's passing clung to the humidity around us, my necklace felt hot against my flesh. Continuously, throughout the night I had checked it in fear that it would melt away, but it seems that this god in their mounts had petrified the ice. No matter the temperature, the crystal had remained strong, even in my sinful hands.

Following behind Tristan and Jeremy, I stare numbly down at my hand. My nails were caked in dirt. Every crevice of my palm smoothed out from the dirt filling it. At the center of my palm lingers a tingling sensation and the beginnings of a bruise show in the shape of the crystal. Fearful of it disappearing after my sins, I held onto it for dear life.

Tristan's hand gentle takes my elbow and I shiver involuntarily. It wasn't the touch I needed, no, that I remember. The wind blows with my memories atop the castle wall. He appeared out of thin air, he knew me better than I knew myself, so why hasn't he found me yet? Tristan guides me into an alley and I'm pressed up against the wall. A coldness seeping into my spine. It felt different, nothing felt right. My fingers wrap around that necklace again and Tristan looks down glaring at the crystal, he cages me in with his body. Spinning, he slams his back against the stone wall beside me. Sandwiched between Tristan and Jeremy, I take a deep breath.

An arm swings out across me protectively. We were concealed in complete darkness, at the edge of the alley is a subtle glow of light. Tristan leans out into the backside of the building, peeking for something. At this point, I'm pretty used to them sneaking around and remaining out of sight, but why are they this cautious?

Tristan scurries across the small courtyard and for a moment his body is lit by the distant glow, before diving into the opposite alley and once more shrouded in darkness. Leaning over Jeremy's arm, I'm shoved back. My back slamming against the wall causing me to gasp in slight shock.

"Where are we?" I whisper.

"Not a word," he hisses, with a hush.

"Who's there?" A groggy and irritated voice roars through the silent night.

Sucking in an icy breath, I cough painfully. My hands clasping over my mouth trying to muffle my noise. Tristan stares across the courtyard, a mask of horror boars into me. Indecision battles across his features, we were about to be fought by this unknown threat. Jeremy grips his blade in preparation of danger.

"A friend," Tristan calls out hesitantly with uncertainty in his reply.

Jeremy swirls around me, becoming a barrier between the courtyard and myself. He leans over scanning the courtyard with Tristan, defensively. A terrifying shiver of fear racks through my body, sitting into the pit of my stomach. Whoever this was, we were in danger. Flashes of Officer Quinton sift through my vision, Kalen's silent fear dripping through me. With a frightful step back, I slipped deeper into the alleyway, away from the courtyard, away from the danger. My back presses into something warm and I squeak weakly.

Faster than I could move away, an arm snatches my waist. Slamming against the body, a cold sweat overcomes me in realization, and I scream, "Tristan!"

Jeremy spun around, he stiffened and his subtle gulp indicates the level of danger I really am in. "Xavier?" He said with uncertainty, squinting.

"Move," the rough voice commands, waving a kitchen knife in gesture to Jeremy.

A lump formed in my throat as the blade found its way towards me, the sharp edge digs lightly but firmly into my delicate side right below my ribs. Jeremy raised his hands stepping back into the lit courtyard.

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