Chapter 23 - Part 1

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"Chloe, don't," Wilfrid cried out.

Racing up the stairs of the castle, I looked up as she dove, leaving a dead Tristan at her feet; her sword swung into a gasping Nicholas as he drove his sword through her tiny torso. Racing across the field, all the soldiers turned frozen in horror at the sight before them. I slid grabbing Chloe as she fell back into my arms. Nicholas staggered forward falling to his knee clutching his arm that profusely spewed blood everywhere. Her trembling body filled me with rage, and my fist flew into Nicholas' face. Blood sprayed across us as he fell back with a broken nose. Wilfrid came charging up the stairs behind me and I turned my back as the familiar sound of a sword slicing through flesh sounded behind me.

"Open your eyes, Chloe," I crocked.

Chloe trembled weakly, squinting through the pain, "Kalen," she murmured tiredly.

"I'm here, love," I hummed, brushing away the splatters of blood that covered her pale face. 

"The king's desk, Tristan," she choked in pain.

"Sh, it will be alright," I reassured her, placing her down on the cold stone.

"No," she cried in pain as I placed my palms over her shoulder. Blood gushed all around my arms squeezing through my fingers. "It's important," she panted, "find the desk." Her heavy breaths seemed to make my whole world freeze as her breathing faded and her eyes rolled back into her head.

"Is she," Wilfrid stuttered.

I couldn't breath, couldn't move. My hands held firm over the open wound and she just laid still beneath me as if we were both frozen in time.

A hand squeezed my shoulder and I tensed. "Take her inside," Cecile commanded.

Scooping Chloe's limp body into my arms I hissed at my men who stood around us staring in horror. "Don't just stand there, check the king's study, whatever is in there Tristan needs her to see."

"But Kalen she's," Arthur began.

"Now!" I snapped marching into the already open castle doors.

The doors closed behind me, and I placed her down inside the castle walls. Darkness consumed us and Cecile fell down at my side. Hastily, she began working on Chloe's unmoving form. No whimpers or winces came from my pale princess.

Howard placed a hand on my shoulder, "Let Cecile work, right now we need our General."

I rose to my feet, a numbness consuming my every movement. Spinning around I watched the mortified expressions of my remaining squad as Arthur had disappeared into the castle. Gabriel rushed to Cecile's side leaving Rowan standing alongside us dripping in Alexandrian soldiers' blood. "My men have the soldiers surrounded," he enlightened me.

Glancing behind me I snap, "They aren't to enter, hold them accountable for treason."

"What do you expect me to say? They fought for the fiance of the princess," Rowan hissed.

"Currently, I am the closest thing they have to a king and my wife was assassinated by that monster so tell them that," I spat.

Rowan's eyes widened, "You want me to tell them that she's dead?"

"Does she look alive to you?" Howard mutters.

Silence filled the castle entrance and I gulped. Sweat filled my brow and my arm hairs rose like never before. I had never been terrified before. Steps echoed through the hallway as Arthur raced down the stairs towards us. "You're not going to believe this," he gasped.

"What?" I snapped.

"Thaddeus signed an announcement to convert to Oligarchy."

Everyone gasped.

"Regardless, without the king to lead this transition, Chloe will always be used as a way to convert back with a monarch," Marcus grumbled.

A smirk spread with my thoughts reeling with ideas. "Your right Marcus, that's why it's time you went to the mountains, it's time for Lord Henry to return home. Soon the council will be called for."

"I'm not leaving any of you," he roared defiantly.

Rowan smiled warmly, "Worry not, I have an entire army, devoted to protecting and escorting your General back to Caprese. You can rest easy and focus on your task." With a small nod between them both, Marcus left the castle in a rush.

I kneeled down before Chloe's still form, her skin far paler than before. A strangled sob cough in my throat. I brushed away the strands of hair that had littered her face, wishing, and praying that she would simply open her vibrant green eyes once more. Her once warm skin now hot and clammy ate away at my heart, fever had set in already. She is fighting for her life in silence and I can't help her. Leaning down, my lips pressed against her feverish forehead, "Rest my love," I whispered, "I'll make things right."

"Howard," I called, "retrieve Rowan's carriage discreetly."

Howard gasped and glared at me as if appalled by my decision. "You can't honestly think that Chloe can travel like this?" He hissed defiantly at me. My spitfire little wife seemed to have captured all our hearts far too quickly, their loyalty lying solely with her now.

"She better survive," I mumble in anger.

Rowan signed leaning against the wall suddenly tired. "I'll leave publicly with Gabriel," he nods, looking to my sister, "Cecile, follow Howard."

"What about you?" Cecile cries, glancing panicky between Chloe and I.

"I trust you will return once all this is over, Cousin?" Rowan inquired.

"I'll come for her," I promised.

Rowan smiled knowingly towards me, "My men will come for you when all this is over."

Howard lifts Chloe's limp body, my fingers trailing along her departing figure with desperation. A soft shiver left me as I could no longer feel her. How I had grown weak from meeting that frail girl in the forest all those months ago. I'll see her again, I promised myself.

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