Chapter 8 - Part 3

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Octavius and Chadwick had led a team to the far reaches of Alexandria. Together they searched and preached the truth behind the princess' disappearance. Following closely behind them, we wound up in Highport near the borders of Scorchbury and Elderham. Why had they come here? Waiting for them to leave before we left to investigate we saw the new stir of fresh rebellious hope flowing in the villagers' eyes.

Standing on the docks filled with small boats, I look up at the familiar cliff. This was where I had witnessed Chloe fling herself off a cliff in desperation to escape King Thaddeus. Wind blows up along the grass atop the cliff, whistling with memories of her screams. The terror that drifted from her lips, the fear I felt aching back into my stomach. After her struggles by that stream, I had known she couldn't swim, it was obvious. It was the longest few seconds of my life, waiting for her to resurface. How could I have let that terrified girl fall to her death? She was meant to be mine, our mothers had wanted for me to protect her. It was then that I should have fled the kingdom with her. Why had I been so stubborn?

"General," a silent echo blows into the wind.

Staring off into the rippling lake water, I can still see the sudden shift of emotion in her face. The determination, the desperation, and the pain inside her, regretting the choice she made before she attacked her fiance. Chloe was so inlove with him that she seemingly sacrificed herself for his survival. Visions of her chestnut hair, swirling in the water brings a sigh to my lips.

"General?" Howard calls from behind me, clearing his voice uncomfortably.

"What?" I whisper.

"There are rumours among the citizens here as well. Again, a wandering preacher is said to be tearing down hanging posts for the imposters, one village at a time. This village's post is still intact thought."

Whispers of a revenging preacher even out this far? Do they realise the harm they will cause? The fool is only recruiting amateurs to a rebellion for sacrifice. An uprising amongst untrained villagers will only lead to slaughter when the King sends his men to erect another post. Luckily, these villagers here are safe from that worry for now.

Turning around, Cecile, Wilfrid and Howard stand hesitantly behind me, but why? "Your point?"

"One is said to wear a crystal from the mountains," Wilfrid smirks.

Chloe. "Where is she heading?"

Howard looks down guiltily for a second, his posture straightened into a quick recovery. "Looks to be into the Clifton region." His voice drifts with uncertainty, he doesn't believe his own gathered intel. "But that would be absurd they have declared themselves loyal to King Thaddeus with her engagement to Nicholas."

"What is she playing at?" I whisper my thoughts aloud.

"We will never find her in time," Howard warns.

There had been several hideouts burned down lately, but since we have been trailing her uncle, we were able to locate a few of their brothels without raising suspicion. Maybe we could corner her. "We know there is a hide out at highport. They were escaping to it before. It still doesn't seem to have any reports of burnings though. Let's split up into teams and search the border for any hideouts, if she leaves we will be waiting for her."

Wilfrid's arm slings around Cecile with silent partnership. "You are with me," I point to Cecile.

"Kalen," she screeches in rebuttal.

"I've had it with you both, I will not have my tracker fondling my healer," I snap.

"You mean your sister," Wilfrid smirks at me, glancing up from watching her.

"Shut up, all of you!"

"You're just jealous," Cecile spits.

Ignoring her outrage, I turn towards Wilfrid and Howard. "Inform the others. If you find her, do not engage. Trail her and send word to me immediately," my command was final and our plan was in effect. If this preacher really was Chloe, and she escaped or survived being on Harris lands, then we would capture or rescue her. The only question is from who and if she is going to be willing.

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