Chapter 9 - Part 1

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It has become unbearably colder in these forests. No wind or sun aloud for any warmth to fill the forest floors. Hugging my damp cloak tightly to me, I watch the puffs of breath float into the chilled air. A warm breath blows along my cheek and I shiver finding a chilling warmth to it. Tristan held me from behind on the horse, his body heat bringing little comfort to me.

We had yet to speak. There wasn't much to say, and anger lingered with a fizzle. We were all exhausted, hungry and wet from the rain. Anger and hostility is slowly rising between us the farther North we went.

Tristan's stomach growls and his arm went around my waist, pulling me tightly into him, with a claiming grasp. My stomach churned with similar feelings and I nuzzled into his soaked shoulder. My cheek rubbing against his wet shirt defeatedly, and I released a weak whimper. It hurt to be this way with him.

We couldn't go through the towns after crossing into Clifton Region, so we had no other choice than to remain in the forest. Blindly following Xavier through the rain, who seemed to still have some wit left about him. Marching sluggishly on his horse, he chugged back his canteen in small sips. He looked far better than Jeremy.

Jeremy is nothing but bones, shivering like a leaf, he slumped over on his horse trying to absorb its warmth. The horse stirred itself, remaining close to us, feeling lost in the forest like the rest of us.

A droplet slipped off a leaf from up above and splattered onto my face. The forest canopy shielded us from the severity of the rain. With no shelter available, and the risks of being spotted this close to enemy territory, we had to keep going. At the far end of this rough path, I can see the break in the forest.

Thick grey clouds dulled the sky upon our exit of the forest, but still seeing the sky after so long inside the cover of forest brought joy to my heart. Looming above us and secluded by the forest is a large manor. A thick wall blocks us from entering from the backside. Xavier slid off his horse, taking the reign, he guided it along the wall.

Tristan and Jeremy glanced at each other anxiously, their backs stiff with uncertainty. Slipping off their horses, they tied them to a nearby tree. Tristan reached up to me on top of the horse and placed a claiming hand over my knee. My trousers stuck to my skin in the most uncomfortable way. Squirming against his touch, I felt him tighten his hold on me, refusing to let me go.

Xavier begins tapping boards with his knuckle till one rattles loosely. With a silent nod between Tristan and Xavier, Xavier then begins to wiggle the plank out of its slot. My breath caught in my throat as he placed the plank to the side. Fresh dewy grass welcomes us.

Tristan reaches up for me, and I slip down into his arms. My back scraps against the horses side, and slowly the passage slides out of view. Tristan's white shirt clung to his chest. From under the translucent cloth, his bodily scars are prominent. My hand instinctively reaches up, touching the soaked material, subconsciously tracing the marks. A deep sigh sends his chest pushing against my hand. Intertwining our hands, he looks down at my fingers, brushing his thumb over them. His hazel eyes stare dreadfully at my chest and he drops my hands. They fall heavily at my sides. He tugs my cloak over my exposed necklace with disgust piercing through his sorrowful eyes.

"Hurry up," Xavier hisses under his breath. His body was half in the parting as he waved us in calling.

Tristan steps away, leaving me alone next to the horses. A cold breeze rattles my hood into a fury, in Tristan's absence. Holding it tightly, to my face, I follow behind them. Xavier waits for me on the other side of the opening, his hand extended for me to take. My voice is caught in my throat unsure of what lies beyond the wall. Our hands interlock and Xavier gives me a reassuring smile. Lowering my head, I step over the wooden beam and through the wall into an endless path of dewy grass.  

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