Chapter 6: Mother Daughter Time

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Sunny woke up to the warm sun shining into her and Starflight's sleeping cave, she got up stretching and looked around. Once again she saw Starflight sound asleep and it appeared he had a smile on his face. Must be a good dream Sunny thought, then she remembered something important. I hope my mom isn't busy today Sunny thought as she landed on all fours getting out of bed and walked out of the room. She sneaked down the hallway not wanting to wake anyone up, I can ask Fatespeaker to look after Starflight while I'm gone Sunny thought as she stopped in front of Fatespeaker's sleeping cave. She quietly opened the door and found Fatespeaker on her side facing away from the door with a blanket on her.

Sunny slowly walked up to the sleepy Nightwing and gently shook her, "hey Fatespeaker I need an offer" Sunny said as Fatespeaker stirred. "Huh? What is it? What time is it?" Fatespeaker whispered like, "it's early and I need you to take care of Starflight while I'm going to visit my mother" Sunny said. "Sure how long will you be?" Fatespeaker said rubbing her eyes and yawning. "The whole day maybe" Sunny said sitting down, "fine" Fatespeaker said and Sunny smiled and walked out before looking back inside her sleeping cave to find a still sleeping Starflight and she blushed for some reason.

Sunny left the Mountain and flew straight towards the Sand Kingdom to find her mother and try to figure out her feelings because they started to get strange. Sunny saw where the sand and grass met and smiled, my home Sunny thought and savored the air around her. She touchdown in Possibility looking around to find the palace, "may I help you?" A nearby Sandwing merchant said. "Uh yeah you have any idea where the palace is from here I forgot" Sunny said walking up to the merchant. "Oh course go straight ahead 10 shops and go right and soon you will find the palace" the merchant said with a smile. "Ok thank you" Sunny said with a warm smile and left waving, as she walked towards the palace she looked around at the many shops jewelry, food, carpets, rugs, and even pet shops.

She turned right at 10 shops and found more merchants but up ahead was a hoard of dragons and it looked nearly impossible to maneuver through. She literally had to squeeze her way through the mob of dragons and while she did it earned her some looks. Some mean, some confused, and others shocked, she finally made it through and when she did she saw the palace a little ways ahead. Sunny ran up to the palace and when she got there she skidded to a halt kicking up some sand and regained her breath. Sunny opened the palace doors once she had her breath, she looked around trying to find the throne room or at least catch her mother walking around. Luckily her mother was doing her old palace check to see what could be done to get better. Sunny walked up to her and she had her 2 guards with her as well as her trusted Sandwing friend who wrote her her mother's needs done at a time and reminds her.

"Hi mom!" Sunny said happily waving happily, Thorn looked at Sunny and her face lit up, "Beetle!!" Thorn ran up to her daughter and Sunny ran up to her mom and they hugged. "I promised you that visit and I never break promises" Sunny said with a smile and Thorn smiled as well. "No you don't" Thorn let go and they sat in silence before Sunny broke it, "hey I need to ask you something. Privately" Sunny said blushing a bit. Thorn got the memo and politely told the guards and her friend to go ahead and take a break. They left quietly and shut the door behind them that was opened, "so what's up?" Thorn said with a smile. "Oh you know the usual teaching stuff. Also how are you?" Sunny said trying to stall a bit, "good and I Hope teaching isn't to hard on you" Thorn said with a warm smile.

"Oh it's no trouble at all I actually think it's fun teaching dragonets that everyone can be nice to each other" Sunny said with a smile. "That's good" Thorn said and they sat in silence again, "ok out with it I know you didn't come all this way just to talk about normal stuff" Thorn said with a frown. "What? No that's ridiculous that's-" Sunny said before stopping and sighing. "Your right I just- I just felt strange these past few weeks since we opened up the school" Sunny said. "So your nervous?" Thorn said arching an eyebrow, "now it has something to do with my feelings" Sunny said and Thorn thought for a moment. She then got an idea and tried not to smile, "so what your saying is that it has something to do with your feelings?" Thorn said repeating what Sunny said seconds ago.

"Yes and it's near this one dragon who's my friend his name is Starflight" Sunny said cocking her head to the side. "So this person is a boy. Interesting" Thorn said already having a conclusion, "yes what about it?" Sunny said. "Well it's for me to know and you to find out if it's your feelings I can't change them" Thirn said and Sunny thought. "I think your right. Thank you for helping me if I need help I will come back or if I just want to hang out" Sunny said with a smile giving her mom one last hug before leaving flying back towards the school. As Sunny landed back onto the ground near the school someone rammed into her giving her a big bear hug. "Your back!" Starflight said with a smile and Sunny hugged back and smiled, "yes I am" Sunny replied.

Starflight let go and put on a serious face and gripped Sunny's shoulders and shook her gently, "don't EVER do that again!" Starflight said practically yelling. "Sorry you were just asleep and I didn't want to bother your Sunny said with a frown. "It's ok you just worried me that's all I-Im glad your back Sunny" Starflight said and hugged her again but less rib breaking. "It's ok you were just worried and that's what I love about you" Sunny said and blushed leaning in on the hug and rested her head on his shoulder.

There you have it! Hope you like it and loved the little mother daughter moment and sorry if it was short. But 1 more chapter left and then the epilogue so hope you stay tuned for those! Anyway hope you have a great rest of your day and I'll see you later.
JJ out.

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