Chapter 1: Growing Feelings

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It was late afternoon in the library and Starflight was sorting out books and a few dragons came in to get books. One that surprised Starflight that Winter has come to get a book and from what he heard Winter doesn't exactly like to read scrolls. But Moon was with him and it was a thing she wanted to do to get him into scrolls. As Starflight was done putting the blank scrolls in a nearby box he heard a voice call out to him. "Hey Starflight you almost finished?" Sunny said and when Starflight lifted his head up he bonked it on the counter which immediately made him grab his head. "Oh are you alright?" Sunny said and he heard her rushing over and put a talon on his head and she seems to feel it for anything.

"Ok no bumps" Sunny said with a smile, "anyway are you almost done?" Sunny said, ever since the school opened when she had free time she would come down to the library to help. "Yeah I'm almost done. Why are you asking?" Starflight said rubbing his head then looking in the direction Sunny is in. "Well I saw this awesome scroll and thought maybe we could read it together" Sunny said. Starflight couldn't see but he felt more heat radiate off of her, "of course I would love to" Starflight said smiling warmly. "I have the perfect spot to read it in!" Sunny said and waited for Starflight to get out of the desk before grabbing his hand and running over to the area. The area had these sort of cushions that when you flop down on them they sink in (like a bean bag). "Starflight found one that was big enough and sat down with sunny beside him, Starflight put a wing around Sunny and tried to retract it so it wasn't wired but Sunny leaned onto him and left his wing on her back.

"The Great Adventures of Captain Sparrow" Sunny said reading the title and smiled along with Starflight. Sunny started reading the first few chapters of the book and while they did that a certain group was watching them. "They have a lot in store for the upcoming years" Fatespeaker said to Clay, and Tsunami. "You bet a cow it is" Tsunami said, "hey! That's one less cow for me to eat!" Clay said with a pouty face. The girls just laugh but stopped so they can watch the Nightwing and Sandwing read together.

In the middle of reading the scroll it got to a part where Captain Sparrow was about to go into a scary cave when Starflight scared Sunny. Sunny yelped and jumped closer to Starflight and wrapped her arms around Starflight's neck and was centimeters from his face. Even though Starflight couldn't see he felt her blush like himself. They both looked away and Sunny slowly let go and said, "um... uh- w-we'll finish this book tomorrow" and Sunny got up and helped Starflight up. As soon as Starflight felt Sunny's hand his heart started to pump faster and he tried to calm it down but nothing worked. "Uh yeah let's uh let's just get back to work" Starflight said scratching the back of his neck.

As Starflight went back to work and Sunny went to put scrolls away, Starflight stole glances at Sunny and smiled at her. Sunny would do the same and look at Starflight, when they lock eyes they would smile at each other and sometimes look away. "Sunny I'm sorry for scaring you" Starflight said trying to see where she is, "it's ok Starflight I guess it was kinda funny" Sunny said from behind him. "I guess it was, hey Sunny I was wondering since Fatespeaker is out of my cave and sleeps in Clay's old one since Clay know sleeps near the prey center I was wondering if you would like to be my roommate. Since you volunteered to help me with my blindness" Starflight said and started to regret it.

"Starflight I would love to! We could be claw mates and have fun little parties as well as play some games and hangout in our free time" Sunny said happily. "You sure it won't be weird?" Starflight said with a frown, "I'm sure Starflight because nothing is weird when it comes to you. Your too smart to be weird" Sunny said placing her talon on Starflight's. Starflight smiled widely, "Thank you Sunny, for everything" and Sunny just brushed her wings with his. "That's what I'm here for!" Sunny said going back to work putting scrolls away, "your one of a kind" Starflight whispered smiling and went back to work to etch students names on Library cards.

Hello again fellow Sunnyflight shippers sorry this was short but I hope you still enjoyed it. Next chapters stuff will get interesting so hope you stay tune for those and have a nice day.
JJ out.

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