Chapter 3: Sick

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       Starflight woke up to the sun shining it's light in the cave signaling him to wake up, he yawned and left his bed. "Morning Sunny" Starflight said, "Sunny?" Starflight said as he had no answer and growled worried. He soon heard violent coughing from in front of him, "Sunny? Is that you are you alright?" Starflight said as he walked towards where the cough was. "Don't come closer" a horse voice said and soon came a few sneezes and a cough, "Sunny are you alright you sound sick?" Starflight sitting as close as he can. Sunny was laying in bed with a blanket on, bags under her eyes, some red on her about near her nostrils, and she was breathing through her mouth her nose wasn't working right. "I- ACHOO!" Sunny said, "bless you" Starflight said with a frown, "I must of ate something bad" Sunny said and a cough was heard. "Don't worry I'll go get the Nurse" Starflight said and ran out of the cave as fast as he can.

       He eventually found the nurse, "I need help Sunny is sick!" Starflight said and the female Seawing there grabbed some medical stuff and raced towards Starflight's and Sunny's cave. "She's right here" Starflight said gesturing towards Sunny hopefully in the right direction, "can you stand here and wait till I'm done?" The nurse said pointing to a place near the entrance of the sleeping cave. "Sure" Starflight said and tried to figure out where she meant, he soon sat down a good length away and was waiting for what to do next. "Ok Sunny I want you to follow my finger" the nurse said moving her finger around and Sunny kept following the finger. "Good now stick out your tongue and saw Ahh" the nurse said taking out a popsicle stick like tool.

       "Ahhhhh" Sunny said as the tool was pressed on her outstretched tongue, the Seawing looked at Sunny's throat for any redness. "Is you throat hurting?" The nurse said taking the tool away and put in a disposal bin, "it feels like I ate sand" Sunny said then coughed. "What else hurts?" The nurse taking in the info and already has a diagnosis, "my stomach and my head feels like it's hotter than normal" Sunny said pointing to the middle of her stomach. "I see" the nurse said and packed up, "well Sunny you have a rare virus called the Sandwing Virus. If not treated in time it can spread and is more dangerous to other tribes than the Sandwing's" the nurse said with a frown. "What do I do to get better? And how long will it take?" Sunny said frantic, "you need to rest, do nothing and eat less while drink more. It will take about a week max and 4 days minimum to get better" the nurse said.

       "Ok I will do that" Sunny said with a smile and the Seawing smiled and waved by to the 2, "so Starflight what are you gonna do now?" Sunny said worried he might be lonely if Fatespeaker won't be around. "I'm going to take care of you. Whatever you need I will get it for you. I will ask Clay when he is on im his break if he can help Fatespeaker with anything and if he has no more classes he can stay and help out with Fatespeaker" Starflight said with a smile. "Oh Starflight you don't have to take care of me I can do it" Sunny said with a smile, "no Sunny I am going to help you no matter what you say. You helped me when I needed it now it's my turn to help you" Starflight said and made Sunny smile and her illness already felt like it was nothing.

"Thank you Starflight" Sunny said and smiled as big as she can, "your welcome now I'll be right back as soon as I tell Clay" Starflight said and Sunny kinda faltered her smile which was good because Starflight couldn't see it. "Ok I'll just wait here" Sunny said and soon her smile turned into a frown slowly, "hey don't worry I will be here faster than you know it" Starflight said placing his hand on her cheek. "Ok you bookworm" Sunny said smiling which made Starflight smile, Starflight left the cave as fast as he can running towards Clays cave. Starflight ran into the Prey Center and heard Clay's voice and heard him talking to Peril who was laughing. He ran up to Clay and when he did he caught something he probably wasn't supposed to hear. "Oh Peril you really are my soulmate" Clay then blushed when he saw Starflight. "Oh uh- hey Starflight" Clay said and Oeril blushed as well, "don't worry I won't tell anyone" Starflight said.

       "Ok anyway what did you want to talk about?" Clay said with a sigh, "I just wanted to see if you had any free time today because I want you to help Fatespeaker in the library while I take care of Sunny while she is sick" Starflight said. Clay just smiled, "of course I would love to" Clay said and Starflight smiled, "Thank you Clay" Starflight said with a tilt of his head and ran out of the cave and ran as fast as he can to his and Sunny's sleeping cave. When he did he was out of breath, "Starflight your back!" Sunny said sitting up with excitement, "yep... I'm back" Starflight said and flopped down beside Sunny's bed. Sunny giggles and he felt her watching him, "you tired?" Sunny said with a smile.

"A little. Yeah" Starflight said as he smiled up at her, "well take a breather because I have a game planned for us" Sunny said as she rested a little herself. Soon Starflight had his breath back and at up and looked at Sunny, "so what is this game?" Starflight said as Sunny as well sat up and faced him. "It's called all about you. I ask something about you and you can answer however you want" Sunny said with a smile. "So it's basically asking who I am and other stuff related to me?" Starflight said, "precisely" Sunny said with a smile. "Ok first question. If you didn't know you were a princess what would you do besides rule a kingdom?" Starflight said. "I would go out and try to make as much friends and tell that everyone should be equal" Sunny replied with a smile.

"Ok" Starflight replied with a smile, "my turn. If you were a Sandwing and you would turn back into a Nightwing what would you do?" Sunny said resting her arms on the edge of her bed and her head on her arms. "Well I would see how long I could survive in the Ice Kingdom until I could die so I can return back to the Sand Kingdom to get my heat back up" Starflight said. "That's it? Wow" Sunny said with wide eyes, "my turn. Sunny if you were to be a different tribe what would it be?" Starflight said with his head cocked to the side. "A Rainwing obviously" Sunny said with a giggle, soon Sunny coughed vigorously and Starflight shot up faster than anything. "Sunny you alright you need water?" Starflight said going into protection mode, "I'm fine Starflight" Sunny said smiling before she sneezed loudly.

Starflight sighed heavily in relief, "I'm fine Starflight you don't always need to worry about me I can hold my own" Sunny said smiling at how cute is was that Starflight was worried. "I know it's just- I always will worry about you no matter if I'm dead or anywhere else I will always worry about you Sunny" Starflight said touching Sunny's talon with his earning a small gasp from Sunny. They stood there for sometime analyzing each other's eyes, they snapped out of it sometime after when it got a little awkward. "So uh- your turn Sunny" Starflight said as he looked away blushing, "ok. If you could read just one genre of scroll for the rest of your life what would it be?" Sunny said. "That's low. You know I can't read just one genre!" Starflight said, "well count this as torture" Sunny playfully replied.

"Well how about Mystery? I like that one better" Starflight said with a proud smile, "That sounds about right, you are mysterious sometimes" Sunny said bopping him snout. Starflight blushed a bit, "ok my turn. What do you see in a dragon that you would love for the rest of your life?" Starflight said out of nowhere. "Well I would like a dragon with a good heart, funny, would do anything for their dragonets and me, someone I know who won't break my heart or leave me, and someone who has similarities like me" Sunny said with a dreamy look in her eyes. "Is that it?" Starflight said and he felt like he wasn't controlling himself but he started to lean forward. "Yeah that's all I could think of" Sunny said and also started to lean in, they were inches away when Clay bursted in.

"STARFLIGHT I NEED YOUR HELP!!" Starflight and Sunny immediately shoot away from each other blushing madly. "Am I interrupting something?" Clay said a cheeky smile creeping on his face slowly. "Uh no I was uh just telling Sunny a secret" Starflight said trying to not make Clay think that they were about to kiss. "Ok if you say so come on I need your help on where the scrolls need to be put" Clay said and left the cave. "I'll be back Sunny" Starflight said blushing still and so was Sunny, "ok I'll try to fall asleep" Sunny said and laid down facing away from Starflight trying to hide her blush. "Ok..." Starflight said and left and went to help Clay, what did I just do? Starflight said and shook that image out of his head but it came back. And it would haunt him until he finally gets the courage to tell his true feelings from deep down to Sunny.

There you go the 3rd chapter hope you guys love it and things are now started to brew between these 2. Stay tuned for the end to see what happens trust me you won't be disappointed. Hope you have a nice rest of your day and I'll see you later.
JJ out.

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