Chapter 2: Navigating The School

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       It was early morning the school was still silent meaning no students were awake and wandering around. In a area a few caves down blocked off by vines were the Dragonets of Destiny caves and inside one of them a blind Nightwing was still sleeping. A energetic Sandwing was awake and already had an idea on her mind on how to wake her Nightwing friend. "STARFLIGHT THE SCROLLS!! THEY'RE ALL ON FIRE!!" Sunny shouted and Starflight was awake faster than you could blink. "Wait what!?" Starflight said and soon was out of the cave and into the library only to find it being empty and quiet. No flames, no fire, and no embers flaying across the room, behind him he heard giggles and he turned to see Sunny trying not to laugh. "You are horrible!" Starflight said and pouted, "awww is the wittle dragon mad I pranked him to think the scrolls were burnt to ashes?" Sunny playfully said. "Hmrph" was all Starflight said with a frown and looked away.

       "Ok if it makes you feel better I did get pranked thinking all the sloths died in the continent" Sunny said her voice cracking a bit. "As long as the scrolls are safe and nothing else is on Fire I'm satisfied" Starflight said and smiled at Sunny. "I have today all planned out. We are gonna put Fatespeaker in charge of the library while me and you go around school getting used to everything around you" Sunny said holding onto his talons. "You sure? I mean that can be done ano-" Starflight said before Sunny cut him off. "You are gonna do this or the next morning all the scrolls in the continent will be in Davy Jones locker" Sunny said referencing to the story they read yesterday.

       Starflight couldn't get out of this now, "fine..." Starflight sighed and Sunny jumped around in excitement. "Yay it will be like a fun adventure except not at the same time. Isn't that wired!?" Sunny said and Starflight couldn't contain his happiness he smiled along with Sunny and tripped when he slipped and brought Sunny down with him smiling. Sunny landed beside Starflight hand in hand still chuckling, "am I interrupting something?" Fatespeaker said walking in. The Sandwing and Nightwing got up faster than you could ever expect, they looked away. "Um no we were just. Messing around" Starflight said, "is that it well try to use it outside the library because well you could bring a mountain down with that happiness" Fatespeaker said with a smile.

       They looked back at her and smiled, "thank you Fateunow if you don't mind your in charge while we're gone" Sunny said walking out hand in hand with Starflight so he won't wander off or get lost in the school. "Ok love birds" Fatespeaker shouted and as Sunny and Starflight left they felt their cheeks heat up. As they navigated through the school more students saw Sunny and Starflight hand in hand and started to whisper as they went by and Sunny had her warm smile as always. 2 dragonets walked up to the pair and said, "are you 2 a thing?" That caught Sunny and Starflight off guard. "Um no were just friends" Sunny said, "then why are you holding hands?" The other dragonet said with a smirk. "To make sure he doesn't wander off or get lost because he's blind and I'm making sure he knows where everything is" Sunny said protectively secretly squeezing Starflight's talons tighter.

"Alright" the first dragonet said and left with their heads down a bit, "well that was. Something" Starflight said with a half smile. "Yeah let's go up next is Clays class room. That means we're halfway done" Sunny said as they walked on already seeing Tsunamis, Art, and Music rooms. As they walked inside just at the entrance and Clay was in the middle of a lesson on how cows are delicious. "Ahh Sunny Starflight how are you. Class these are the dragons I grew up with" Clay said when he saw the pair. "Hello" the class repeated as they looked back and saw the 2 dragons, the winglets got Clay today were the Jade winglet.

       Turtle and Kinkajou were sitting next to each other, so we're Winter and Moon they sat next to each other. Carnelian and Qibli were next to each other, and as far as Sunny knew that was great seating. "Hello, we were just stopping by to see how things are doing" Sunny said and smiled at the class. "Then why is he here?" Winter said pointing at Starflight, "I'm helping him navigate the school so next time non of us are around to help him he can find his way" Sunny said and Kinkajou squealed. "Oh my moons you 2 are so cute together!!" Kinkajou yelled, "um no were just friends and that's all that were gonna be" Starflight said quickly. To be honest I have felt I had little more feeling towards Sunny than anything Starflight thought glancing at Sunny.

       "Anyway we better get going so we don't distract you guys while you are working on getting knowledge" Sunny said and left almost immediately with Starflight. "Ok up next is the Prey Center but it's closed for now, what do you want to do in the meantime?" Sunny said smiling. "What do you mean I'm blind I can't do many things" Starflight said looking away with a frown and lowered ears. "Thats not true. You are so much more than your sight and get it through that scroll loving drain before I reach in there and strangle it until it complies you bookworm" Sunny said smiling. "How about we just hang out and talk, or we can resume our book we were reading" Starflight said forgetting what Sunny just said.

"Ok let's go to our cave and read on your bed because it is bigger and it will fit 2 of us" Sunny said and they walked down towards their cave hand in hand. Starflight smiled having Sunny's talon touching his like silk and just overall smooth. "Were here" Sunny said walking inside with Starflight, Starflight let go and tried to find his bed but ended up tripping on it. Sunny contained her laughter letting a few giggles out, "yeah yeah laugh it up" Starflight said flopping down onto his bed. "The Great Adventures of Captain Sparrow" Sunny began and read a few chapters of the scroll. During this I had my wing around her and she was snuggled up to me her head resting on my shoulder.

Her scales were smooth and soft, "Starflight? Starflight!" Sunny shouted snapping Starflight out of his gaze. "Uh? What?" Starflight said, "you were staring at me are you alright?" Sunny said taking my talons in hers. "Huh oh yeah just thought that looking directly at the source of the noise will get me the full experience" Starflight said trying to cover up the fact that he was savoring the feeling of Sunny. (This is a book that is not dirty I promise) "oh ok" Sunny said and the gong ran 3 times signaling that its time for lunch. "Let's go get some fruit!" Sunny said basically dragging Starflight towards the Prey Center.

When they got their they saw a bunch of students already eating meat and fruit as well as vegetables. "C''mon our friends are over their!" Sunny said directing them towards their group of friends. "Hey guys mind if we join you?" Sunny said to Clay, Tsunami, and Fatespeaker. "Not at all join us" Fatespeaker said gesturing to the table, "thank you" Starflight said and sat beside Sunny who sat beside Tsunami. "We have an unexpected guest joining us" Clay said smiling, "who is it?" Sunny said. "Why hello friends" Glory said from behind Sunny, "GLORY!" Sunny shouted and got up and fiercely hugged Glory with all her night.

"Hi Sunny how are you?" Glory said and everyone in the Prey Center turned to look at the Rainwing Nightwing Queen. "Is it....?" "Is it really?" Voices from all around said. "How are you Starflight?" Glory said ignoring the dragons watching. "I'm good" Starflight said not looking at Glory, "he's been grouchy today" Sunny said. "I see" Glory said with her eyes squinting. "Well I wanted to come down while Deathbringer is in charge and talk to my friends again" Glory said with a smile. "Well what are we waiting for let's eat!" Clay said and started to eat a cooked chicken. "Come on Starflight way!" Sunny said trying to usher him food, "not hungry" Starflight said and rested his head on his arms crossed. The group looked  at each other and decided to deal with him tomorrow.

There you have it! Hope you like it and see you Sunnyflight fans next time and have a great rest of your day.
JJ out.

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