Chapter 4: The "Accident"

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4 days later.....

It was late afternoon and Tsunami, Clay, and Fatespeaker along with Glory we're having a secret meeting. "Ok we have to do something to get these 2 together whether they know it or not they are destined for each other" Glory said. "Have you been hanging out with Kinkajou lately?" Tsunami said with a raised eyebrow. "No why would you think that?" Glory said looking away, "whatever you say" Tsunami said. "Guys can we wrap this up I'm hungry" Clay said with a frown, "you just had 2 cows" Tsunami said with a frown. "Well I'm still hungry what do you think is good around here to eat?" Clay said looking around. "CLAY!" The girls shouted at him and he snapped back, Glory sighed and shook her head.

"Look we just need them to do something to make them realize that they fallen for each other" Fatespeaker said and the group looked at each other then nodded. "Ok so here's the plan...." Fatespeaker said and they all listened intently.

Back at the library......

"Hi Starflight!!" Sunny said bounding in resting her talons on the counter Starflight was working at, "hello Sunny how are you on this fine day?" Starflight replied with a warm smile. "I'm doing good I just finished helping Peril write a note about something I don't know what" Sunny said with a smile. "That's good. Look I'm sorry for keeping you so busy but I need help putting these box of new scrolls that cave in this morning" Starflight said smiling half heartedly. "I would love too! I'm not gonna stop until the world is ridden of thing to help with" Sunny said waiting for Starflight to exit the counter. "Ok so is it high up? Because I can fly up and put them away if you want" Sunny said looking at the box then the shelf.

"It's on the top shelf and I can't see where I'm going sooo" Starflight said blushing a bit in embarrassment. "It's ok hang on and I'll get right to it" Sunny said and brushed her wings with his before bounding off to get the box. Soon she reappeared with a open box of scrolls, the scent of new scrolls filled the air making Starflight smile at it which made Sunny smile. "Ok let's get to it" Sunny said and took 3 scrolls before beating her wings and slowly lifted off the ground to not smack or hit any of the shelves or the roof. "I'll be down here putting scrolls away if you fall I'll catch you" Starflight said looking up hopefully at Sunny. "Ok just be careful if I do come down to not squish you" Sunny said and giggled while Starflight chuckled.

Hiding behind a shelf was Fatespeaker with a scroll ready to throw and hopefully only make sure Sunny looses balance and falls and nothing serious happens. As Sunny was halfway done with the scrolls Fatespeaker threw the scroll hitting Sunny in the back of her head. Sunny started lose control and wonder what happened and started to fall she flailed around and when she was mid falling Starflight caught her bridal style. "Told you Id catch you" Starflight smirked at the terrified Sunny, "yeah and can you get me down?" Sunny said trembling a little and her arms around Starflight's neck.

When he landed she was already crying into the crook of his neck a little, "hey don't worry I'm here nothing is going to hurt you now" Starflight said with a smile and Sunny looked him right in the eye. "I know because when your around I'm always safe" and with that she leaned in and kissed him on the lips and Starflight was taken back by this. Soon he eased into it and when they split apart he smiled at her along with Sunny. But they soon looked away and blushed, "um uh thank you again Starflight" Sunny said with a smile and Starflight smiled back. "My pleasure princess" Starflight said jokingly, "you bookworm" Sunny said playfully punching his arm. "Listen Sunny you go ahead and take a rest and I'll get Fatespeaker to do it I don't want you to end up falling again" Starflight said.

"No Star-" Sunny was cutoff by Starflight, "no none of 'I'm fine' I just witnessed even blind that you fell so right now you are resting until I feel you should help me put scrolls away" Starflight said with a stern look and face. "Fine" Sunny said looking away with a frown and a glare, "I'm sorry Sunny I just don't want you to get hurt or worse" Starflight said and brushed her wing as he want by to get Fatespeaker. The group then scurried away besides Fatespeaker who waited for Starflight to call for her help. When he did she obliged and helped him put scrolls away on the top shelf why he did the bottom. Sunny just left thinking Starflight doesn't want her help anymore, "hey Sunny whats happening?" Tsunami said.

Sunny told her everything and Tsunami replied with, "well he's doing it out of protection. By the way do you love him more than a friend or beat friend?" Tsunami said and Sunny thought for a minute. "I- Yes- No- Maybe?- I don't know it's confusing I'll ask my mother when I have the chance" Sunny said looking away with a frown and her ears hanging. "Hopefully you figure it out soon" Tsunami said with a smile and left Sunny thinking about her feelings.

There you have it the next chapter of this awesome story, don't worry this isn't the end I have 4 more chapters on the way. Hope you have an awesome rest of your day and I'll see you later.
JJ out.

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