Chapter 5: The School Dance

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       Sunny woke up a little later than normal having the warm sun shine on her, she fluttered her eyes open and sat up stretching. She yawned then looked around, Starflight was still sleeping soundly and she smiled her cheeks heating up a bit. Sunny got out of bed and walked out rubbing her eyes from the tiredness, when she did she saw Tsunami walk out. "Hey Sunny ready for tonight?" Tsunami and that stopped Sunny in her tracks, "no what's tonight? A meeting? Something big I forgot about!?" Sunny said freaking out. "Sunny calm down its only the School Dance" Tsunami said smiling, "oh phew I thought I was behind on something" Sunny said smiling.

       "Nope your good, so who are you going to dance with?" Tsunami said which definitely caught Sunny off guard. "I wasn't really thinking of dancing with anyone but just watch others dance" Sunny said with a frown. "You sure because I can name a few guys that you could dance with or want to dance with you" Tsunami said making Sunny blush. "Oh stop it Tsunami if your trying to get me into a relationship your out of your mind" Sunny said. "If you say so. I told Starflight yesterday about it and he said he might be dancing" Tsunami said trying to make the 2 dance together. "Wait really? Wouldn't he need help moving around? Maybe I should help him" Sunny said completely oblivious.

       "Yeah you do that" Tsunami said and left, Sunny walked out of the hall pondering on tonight and what she should wear tonight. Since it's basically a one time offer to wear something to where something presentable, she should probably ask her mom or shop for something. "Hey Sunny. What are you thinking about?" Clay said pulling her out of her thoughts. "Oh nothing just thinking about the dance for tonight" Sunny said and Clay smiled, "oh yeah the dance well you better find something to do during the day because it starts tonight" Clay said. "Yeah thanks Clay I will" Sunny shouted back at her friend trying to think of a way to pass the time.

       "Maybe I can go shopping after I'm done helping Starflight with anything he needs help with" Sunny said to herself. Down the hall behind her she heard a low "ow" and ran towards it knowing it was Starflight. "Man I forgot that we have a roof" Starflight said rubbing his head while ducking from him hitting his head while getting up. Sunny giggles and walked up to Starflight to offer to help him, "nah it's ok Sunny I got it but thank you anyway" Starflight said with a grin. Sunny shot one back and responded with "ok." "Hey Starflight have you heard of the dance that's going on tonight" Sunny asked. "Of course Tsunami told me yesterday and I thought I could dance even blind" Starflight said with a half smile. "Well I was thinking to dance with you to.. you know help you out" Sunny said afraid of Starflight's response. "Oh I would love that!" Sunny then hugged him out of nowhere and she was surprised herself she did that.

       "Thank you Starflight. Now with that out of the way do you need help with anything in the library?" Sunny asked pulling away. "Nope just a boring day with nothing to do. If you have something to do go ahead I'll ask Fatespeaker to try and come up with something so we can pass the time" Starflight and for a second his face had a saddening look. "You sure because I'll stay with you if you want to do anything" Sunny said brushing her hand against his arm. "No it's fine you go ahead" Starflight said with a smile, "ok if you say so" Sunny said and walked out. Sunny walked out of the mountain entrance and closed her eyes and smiled she loved the morning sun.

She took off towards the Sand Kingdom where the shops were, she was thinking on what to where. "Necklace? No. Bracelet? Eh not really. Ring? No definitely not. Earrings? That might do" Sunny said to herself. She got to the Sand Kingdom and when she landed she looked around for the markets. She soon spotted them and smiled walking towards them, she soon heard a voice all to well. "Hey beetle what are you doing all the way out here?" Thorn Sunny's mother said behind her. Sunny whirled around and smiled widely and rammed into her mother hugging her, "woah easy there!" Thorn said and hugged her back. "It's great seeing you mother" Sunny said and looked up at her, "I missed you too. So what are you doing out here?" Thorn said with her head to the side.

       "Well I came here to get earrings for a school dance tonight" Sunny said smiling, Thorn smirked. "Is this for a special dragon?" Sunny blushed, "uh n-no not at all just a friendly dance" Sunny said with a nervous smile. "Well follow me I have just the earrings" Thorn said and led her to the palace where the guards let them in even with serious expression. "I have saved these just for a special occasion" Thorn said pulling out a box full of jewelry. "Here" Thorn said giving Sunny earrings with 2 suns and underneath was a star, "these are beautiful" Sunny said. "Which is why they fit you" Thorn said with a smile, "I'll come back and talk about some stuff I promise" Sunny said waving by and launched into the air. "It's midday if I hurry back I will be in time for the dance" Sunny said to herself flying towards the school.

       Sunny reached the school when it just became nighttime and when she entered she saw some dragonets hanging out. She entered and she saw Tsunami in the corner of the Prey Center watching in case of any fights. Clay was by the food table "protecting" the food when really he just is only eating a piece of food when no one is looking. Fatespeaker is going around giving people flowers to put on their outfits. The people who were dancing so far were Turtle and Kinkajou, Moon and Winer, and also a few others Sunny didn't recognize. She found Starflight sitting alone in a corner sitting with his tail curled around his talons, he had a frown looking around trying to find the people dancing.

She felt her heart break at his sad expression, she walked up to him and he now was hanging his head with no luck of finding the dragonets dancing. "Hey bookworm" Sunny said with a smile standing a few inches away, "Sunny?" Starflight said raising his head to look at Sunny. "Yes it's me. You said you wanted a dance right? Well let's dance!" Sunny said standing on all fours. "Ok if you say so. I'm not really that good" Starflight said nervously as Sunny took his talon and dragged him into the middle of the room. "Now I want you to hold my left talon with your right" Sunny said and they entwined their hands. "I then want you to then rest your hand on my shoulder" Sunny said and Starflight put his left talon on her shoulder nervously. "Good" Sunny said and took her right talon and put it behind his neck pulling them a little closer.

"Now sway to the music" Sunny said and they took a step at a time carefully not trying to trip, everyone around them stopped to watch. "Sunnyflight!!" Kinkajou whispered, as they danced Sunny and Starflight picked up the pace and the moves. Starflight twirled Sunny around and when Sunny twirled away from Starflight he pulled her back in and her arms crossed across her chest still connected to Starflight's talons. Sunny looked up at him her back to his chest and they smiled, they released and everyone around them clapped and even the new dragons that walked in. "That was fun" Starflight said to Sunny who smiled at him, "it sure was" Sunny replied and their hands were still connected.

There you go another chapter with your daily dose of Sunnyflight. Ok I'll stop now ;-;. Anyway hope you have a good rest of your day and I'll see you later.
JJ out.

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