"Alright stream - one minute to go!!! We are so close!!! What song do you want me to play first?"

I was seeing a lot of That Way's being sent in, so it was decided.

"Alright, we will listen to That Way first, then I think we will do Sue Me, then Take Off All Your Cool, and then Paris. How does that sound?"

The one minute countdown appeared on the screen, and me and Harry watched it intensely. The viewers on my stream increased, and we were hitting an all time record for me now. There were nearly eight thousand people watching me.

"Thirty seconds!" Harry spoke out, and I grinned at him. We never really showed PDA, but right now I really just wanted to give him a quick kiss.

Oh, whatever, right?

I leaned over and kissed him square on the lips. I could feel that he was a little taken aback, but before he could get used to it, I pulled away, not wanting the viewers to feel uncomfortable.

He was sat there, shocked and staring at me, so I had to take it upon myself to announce that there was now...

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! THREE! TWO! ONE!"

I hit the button in the bottom left, and That Way started playing on the stream. The soft piano started, and it gave me flashbacks to working with Joe, where he taught me the chords.

I looked over at Harry, who was leaning back against his seat, bopping his head along slowly. The chorus came on, and I started mouthing along, not wanting to be too loud so the viewers could enjoy the whole experience.  The next verse started, and once more I reached over for his hand. The first time he had listened to this he had been crying, which sort of worried me for when it came to Take Off All Your Cool - and even Paris.

That Way came to an end, and the response was positive, even though they had heard it before. "Alright then, next we have Sue Me! Enjoy!" I spoke, pressing play and letting the song run. Harry had already heard this one, but still swayed side to side showing that he was enjoying it. I read the comments that were being written, and a lot of people had already guessed what this one was about.

Sue Me came to an end, and now it was for the songs that absolutely no one had heard. Take Off All Your Cool started playing. I was nervous to see Harry's reaction for this song, and so most of my time was spent trying to understand how he was feeling as the song progressed. I could pinpoint the exact second he realised who and what it was about, and he glanced over at me, a soft smile playing on his lips. I raised my eyebrows as if to ask 'Are you alright?', and he nodded his head very quickly, you wouldn't have even noticed unless you had been looking directly at him. Take off All Your Cool came to an end, and now it was finally time for Paris.

The song started playing, and I knew everyone would be confused by these lyrics. They were very misleading, and they were misleading on purpose. I wrote it to display my two forms of love. My personal love - which was Harry, and my love for Paris. I contrasted the two, talking about why I loved each one, and how they differed from each other. ironic really how Harry had asked me to be his girlfriend in Paris.

And then it was over. My official listening party had come to an end. My EP was now out everywhere, and by this time all four songs had probably been listened to. It was nearing quarter past midnight, and I had had a long day, so I said goodbye to the stream.

"Alright, that's all from me for now! I will see you all very soon - thanks for joining me today, thanks for the love on the EP! Thank you for your support, I love you all very much! Have a great night!" I finished, pressing the big red button in the top right corner, the stream officially ended.

I looked over to Harry, and let out the biggest sigh of relief. He raised his hand, and high fived me. "That was incredible," He said slowly, stretching his arms and yawning.

"You think?" I asked, breaking out into a smile.

"I think Sue Me has to be my favourite song, even though its literally a retaliation song," He grinned.

"Hey!" I protested. "It is not a retaliation song! It's - it's - okay, maybe it is a retaliation song," I mumbled, accepting defeat. "But," I changed the subject, "I'm glad you like it. I was so worried you'd be offended if I'm being honest."

"Never. It was kind of my fault."

"No it wasn't. If anyone's fault, it's Lucy's. And maybe the people that took the pictures and posted it everywhere. Not yours, you didn't do anything wrong."

"I love you so much. You know that?"

I nodded my head. "I do in fact know that."

"I'm going to head to bed. Are you coming?" He asked, heading off to his room.

"I'll be there in just a second, I'm just going to call Freya," I replied, staying in my seat. He nodded his head, to acknowledge he understood, and I pressed on Freya's icon, clicking call. She picked up nearly immediately.

"Soph!! That was absolutely beautiful, we all loved it!" I heard her speak excitedly.

"Good! I'm glad you liked it - everyone in the stream seemed to like it too, which is a relief."

"You alright? You don't sound excited at all."

This was the question that sent me over the edge. "I'm fine - I mean, yeah I'm excited, it's just that -"

"It's just that what? What's happened? Who do I need to kill?" She asked, and she sounded genuinely concerned.

"No, no. It's nothing like that. No one has done anything wrong," I assured her.

"Then what is it? Why do you sound like you're on the verge of tears?"

I sounded like I was on the verge of tears, because I was. "I got offered an actual proper contract," I spoke, hearing Freya gasp on the phone.

"You did?! That's amazing!" She sealed. But when I stayed silent, she spoke again. "Or it's not amazing?" She said slowly.

"It's two years, and I have to be in Manchester fulltime, Freya. What the hell am I supposed to do? Four months was bad enough, I can't go up North for two whole years, it'll end my relationship!"

"Josh! Go away I'll be there in a minute!" I heard her yell, then silence. "Have you actually told Harry any of this?"

"No, I haven't told him. What am I supposed to say?"

"I'm not sure, but you should tell him soon. The longer you leave it, the worse it'll be when he finally finds out."

"I know, I know. I'll tell him eventually. I just want to plan ahead what I'm going to say, you know? I want to at least try and figure out what I want to do, because of course I want to accept the offer. I'd be stupid not to, wouldn't I?"

OOOOOHHHH!!! Cliffhanger hehe! I've been way too generous the last couple of chapters, decided I needed to spice it up a little hahah! Hope you enjoyed, I've had Sabrina Carpenter on repeat whilst writing these chapters and honestly I'm hooked, I love her. Bye!

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