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Start from the beginning

"I'll think about it." Elyas said gently. "How's work and why are you so hard to reach these days?"

"Work is repetitive." I let out a sound of defeat and slouched. "It turns out being a South Asian woman with a very respectable degree and another on the way doesn't help, among a sea of boring, old men. I'll never be good enough. I'm tied up with projects."

"Another degree?" Elyas laughed, like I was cracking jokes all of a sudden. "How do you have the time?"

"Biotech perks my interest." I shrugged. "But so does artificial intelligence. In a few years time, robots will be taking over the world and we will be shunned away."

"Let that imagination of yours run any more wild, and we'll have to send you to a psych ward." Elyas wasn't amused anymore, and I shook my head in return, because I hated how he had to get all serious.

"Becoming a father has made you lose your humour." I muttered. "That aside, can I ask you if you knew about Sheriff Thayer's son returning to his humble abode?"

"Blaze?" He gave me a startled expression, and I realised my brother didn't know much. He was brought back to the moment and was waiting for me to continue.

"Yes, the one and only. I thought he was your best friend. Both inseparable bastards." I sniggered, both childishly and frustratedly. "He's suddenly back."

"We are. Or were. We've not spoken to each other for a very long time. We're simply friends in passing now, on social media, namely Facebook." He admitted. "I wasn't aware."

"Wow, the F bomb." I taunted Elyas. "Your age is showing. I was under the impression that you were still in contact, at least he alluded so."

"You talked to him?" He responded, brows furrowing in concentration.

"He lives across the road." I deadpanned. "I'm sure he's visiting to make sure that mansion of his is warm. Seems very likely."

"Blaze tell you he's a Cop then, yet?" My brother shared with me, curiously.

"A what now?" His words shot through my bloodstream immediately.

"FBI actually. Some sort of Consultant." Elyas replied grimly. "Followed in his Pop's footsteps, no doubt."

"He didn't mention that." Now it was my turn to frown, colour draining from my face.

"Well, you never liked him and him you, or at least the pair of you didn't get the chance to know each other. I doubt you were burning to exchange details." Elyas smartly said.

"Considering his upbringing, it's fitting for him to transition into a career in law enforcement." I blurted out aggressively. "I knew he was going to apply for the Academy, I just didn't think he was going to go through with it, in the end."

"As opposed to...?" Elyas instigated more agitating conversation and I exhaled. We weren't in sync like siblings were these days, so he didn't know much about what I got up to, nor understand the point I was making, glazing over my after dark activities.

"He always looked up to his dad, come to think of it." My brother stated matter-of-factly. "He could have stayed behind, but it's clear he wanted to attempt to make a name of his own. If he's back in Terence and on a more solid basis, there's more to it."

"What do you mean?" I piped up. 

"Blaze Thayer always said, only a dead body could make him return." Elyas sighed.

"The same way they could make him run away and never look back?" I scowled.

"What are you talking about?" Elyas sat up straight.

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