Captain Phasma of the Scyre Clan

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Species: human

Age: 46

Skin tone: Caucasian

Hair: short light blonde

Eye: two, dark greyish blue

Heritage: Unknown parantage but Phasma and her brother Keldo were part of a small and weak clan that resided directly around the Nautilus on the desolate planet Parnassos.

Given Name: Phasma

Chosen Name: Phasma


-Unknown clan(formally)

-The Scyre Clan and Keldo (formally)

-First Order (believed in ideals but eventually betrayed)

-Supreme Leader/General Hux (Formally)


-Her special troops

-Frey (Warcry) (UV-8855)

- Finn Shot

History: Phasma and Keldo grew up having to defend the clan's territory from raiders from rival clans such as the Scyre and the Claw. One day Phasma orchestrated the deaths of her entire clan including her father and mother because they would rather die than join. Keldo was unaware of this and ended up having his leg gravely injured. They ended up joining the Scyre clan were they eventually became there leaders by the age of 18 and ruled together for 3 years although Keldo technically had a higher rank.

Everything changed, when Phasma observed a First Order starship escape pod crashing in the neighbouring Claw clan territory. Covertly leading her Scyre warriors over the border into Claw territory, Phasma was brought face to face with First Order General Brendol Hux, three Stormtroopers and a black protocol droid. Hux introduced himself as an officer for the First Order, who had been on a mission to recruit the strongest warriors in the galaxy to the First Order military when his ship had been shot down by a forgotten ancient Parnassos' automated defence system.

Seizing her opportunity to get off-world and really agreeing with Hux's promise to bring prosperity and peace to struggling planets like her own, Phasma stepped forward and unmasked herself, introducing herself and offering to help Hux find his crashed ship behind her brother's back.

She took her closest warriors and headed out with Hux and his two Stormtroopers. Along the way a couple warriors died along with a Stormtrooper. When they reached the ship the rest of the Scyre clan and Claw clan caught up to them to try and talk sense into Phasma and her group but eventually resorting to trying to kill them. In the fight Phasma's group killed just about everyone but almost all of them were killed as well. Phasma killed her brother. Hux was bitten by a Parnassos' beetle right before boarding the escape craft. Phasma took her niece Frey with her.

Once aboard Hux's star destroyer she was given her first assignment of checking new born babies to see if they're worthy of The First Order, she was unhappy with the thought of this job but the now sick General Hux promised and signed a contract saying that once she's fully trained in The First Order ways and understands the technology that she would take over training soldiers 15-25. Hux died a couple weeks later from the poison of the beetle leaving behind his four year old son.

After completing all training and teachings with flying colours Phasma started her first job with the intent to be promoted quickly. On one of her first inspection rounds of newborn infants that day she came to FN-2187. He did not appear strong enough so she was going to immunize him but she looked him in the eyes and had a vision, a vision of this child refusing to kill innocent lives and her exicuting him. This child was different. She saw for the first time the cruelty of who she worked for and wanted out.

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