"I don't know why this happened. I read the speech by the letter," I state firmly.

"Our report states that you vomited all over a PR officers shoes right after your speech," Commander Inspiron says. "Why is that?"

"I was nervous. I've never had to address a crowd like that before," I lie smoothly and some of the Commanders nod in satisfaction.

"I suppose it is plausible-," Commander Inspiron speaks but she is cut off by Lazarus suddenly.

"Are you sure it was because of your nerves? I'm not sure if everyone here is aware but this is the same girl who claimed she wanted to escape when she was thirteen years old. It doesn't come as a surprise to me that these rebellious acts were instigated by her." He leans forward as the crowd behind erupts into a fit of murmurs and whispers. 

"If I wanted to escape so badly I would never have joined the army, fought for my creators and saved my general," I say through gritted teeth and my fingers clutch the thin frame so tightly, it creaks under the pressure.

Everyone's eyes widen in shock at my words and Luna's face goes red with anger.

"How dare you speak to the Trinity like that?" She almost screams at me. Even General Grievous and General Ursa look appalled. 

"I apologize," I quickly say before she bursts like a balloon. "I solemnly swear that my allegiance lies with the empire. To insinuate otherwise is hurtful and degrading, especially since I would give my life to the Plutonian's cause." 

My ridiculous words appease most of the Commander's and Generals, even Luna calms down slightly but not Lazarus. His eyes narrow to slits as he stares at me and it feels like he could read through my every word and he didn't buy it one bit.

"It is true. Officer Aria did save my life. If she wasn't loyal, she could have killed me and left me for dead," General Lyra says.

I frown slightly in confusion, wondering why she said that. She was the armed one not me, I wouldn't have been able to kill her even if I had wanted to. It's obvious she is helping me by making me look good and can't help but wonder why.

"Yes, despite the humans turpitude, officer Aria has proven herself to be a good officer so far. However, the slaves need to be taught a lesson and officer Aria should be banned from the slave quarters hence forth, since her presence seems to instigate them," Commander Bardotta suggests. 

I turn towards him in shock but what he says next is even worse. 

"As a suitable punishment I would like to propose that we select humans to join as fighters instead of waiting for them to volunteer. Since no one has volunteered after officer Aria and Ruthess Rosie's match." 

My eyes widen in horror and I have the sudden urge to pounce on Commander Bardotta and gouge his eyes out. The pits were no picnic and if a slave didn't have the drive to fight, there is no way they will survive.

"You mean we force slaves to become fighters?" Lucian asks in surprise. "How will they make good army officers if they don't even want to fight in the first place?"

"All those in favor please raise your hands," General Grievous raises his hand and half of the Commander's do the same. 

"All those not in favor?" General Lyra asks and the other half raise theirs, including Lucian and his mother.

"I see it is a tie. We will have a re-vote during our next meeting then," Commander Bardotta concludes. "For now let us proceed to the dining hall for some refreshments."

Everyone suddenly gets up and saunters towards the exit like we'd just discussed the weather. I stare at all of their pale faces, all so calm and unbothered. Like what they'd just discussed was something so trivial, something to be forgotten the moment food was mentioned.

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