Harry pulls Louis into a hug, and Louis melts into his touch. His body is instantly filled with relief as Harry slips his hand under Louis' shirt to rub his back.

"I wanted you to be the first person I came out too. I mean obviously like I said, Liam and Zayn kind of already knew. But I never outright said it to them. I wanted to say it to you first."

At that, Harry leans back to look at Louis and smiles. He wipes a tear that had slipped out without Louis knowing and rubs his cheek with his thumb.

"Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me. I'm so proud of you, sunshine." Harry grins at Louis. "This doesn't change anything between us."

Then Harry pauses, raises an eyebrow, and leans into Louis.

"Just out of curiosity." He lets a smirk grow on his face as Louis groans. "Was I your gay awakening? Like when you and I took each other's first kiss, did you realize how hopelessly in love you were with me and realized you were gay. Because I would totally be honored."

Louis rolls his eyes and pushes Harry away, the sentimental moment over.

"You wish, Styles." Louis twirls a strand of Harrys hair with his finger. "Although it might have been that cute butt of yours if you're lucky."

Harry laughs and stands up, grinning like an idiot. He goes to say something back but stops when he hears an Irish accent from downstairs as the door slams. Louis quickly gets up and both boys make their way downstairs to find Liam, Zayn, and Niall all lazily sprawled out in the living room.

"Oh hey boys, was wondering where you lot were!" Liam shows them a toothy smile before looking back up at the tv.

"All of my stuff is still in Niall's car, I didn't want to bring it all in just to take it back out. I'll bring it out when you start loading up." Zayn says it without letting his eyes leave the screen and Louis nods, plopping down next to him. Harry immediately sits on Louis' lap and cuddles up to him, hoping the moment can last forever.

The boys had their going away party the day before, with all of their families huddled together in Louis' living room. The other boys opted out of staying the night for their own reasons, so Harry and Louis spent the night alone.

The hour passes as the boys spend their last moments together, a heavy blanket of sorrow in the air that they refuse to speak of, as if to not ruin their fun. They all know deep down that even though the older boys are going to be a couple hours away, it will still be a difficult readjustment for all of them.

"Are you boys ready to load up the car? It's about time for you to get headed out." Jay walks through the door, a small smile on her face. Harry sends her a smile of his own as he gets up to hug her, knowing that she's trying not to cry.

All of the boys stand up and start packing up the car. It only takes twenty minutes and Harry considers letting the bags tumble out accidentally so they can have a few more minutes. Or maybe the boys will think it's a sign and choose not to leave. Either way works with him. Instead, he watches as they close the trunk.

He hugs Zayn first, and then holds in his tears as Louis hugs him.

"I love ya Harry. I wasn't kidding about calling you every day. I'll even call you as soon as I get there and give you a room tour." Harry musters up a tiny laugh as he breathes in Louis' scent. He's going to miss it more than anything.

When they pull apart, Harry pulls a box out of his pocket and slowly hands it over to Louis.

"I got this for you. I wanted you to have a part of me, just like I have a part of you in the watch. I hope you like it." Harry shyly smiles as Louis opens it and gasps.

"Oh Harry I love it, put it on for me will you?"

Harry pulls the heart shaped locket out from Louis' hands and clasps it around his neck. He opens the locket and shows Louis the pictures inside of it. On the right side is a picture of him and Harry, the first time they ever hung out together. On the left is a picture of Louis with his mom and the girls at the hospital, the day Phoebe and Daisy were born.

When he closes the locket, Louis rubs it with his thumb and holds it against his chest, smiling wide.

"I'll cherish it forever Harry. Every time I talk to someone new and tell them about you, I'll show them this locket and tell them how special it is. I'll even pass it down the family as an heirloom in the future." Louis hugs him again and smiles into his neck.

Harry, who is now turning furiously red, just nervously laughs and smiles at his best friend. He opens the car door and lets Louis get seated before planting a kiss to his cheek and shutting it. Zayn gets in the passenger seat and Louis drives off with one last wave while Jay and the other boys watch the car go.

Once they are out of sight, Jay wishes the other boys a goodnight and goes inside while Liam, Harry, and Niall all head back to their own houses.

When Harry gets inside, his eyes well up with tears and he lets them fall onto the floor. He shuffles into the living room and Anne wordlessly stands up to pull him into a hug, while his tiny sniffles turn into sobs.

"Oh honey." Harry grips onto her blouse as his sobs grow louder. They echo through the quiet living room and Gemma quietly walks in. She joins the hug, holding onto her brother from behind. Both Anne and Gemma know the real reason why Harry is so upset, but neither of them can decide which of them should say it. Or if they should even say it at all.

"Harry, this is more than Louis and Zayn leaving. Tell us what's wrong." Gemma finally speaks up.

A sob racks through his body and he can only manage to let out a little squeak.


Anne and Gemma helplessly look at each other from above Harrys shoulder, and as soon as Gemma starts rubbing his back, he lets go of the words he's been holding in for what feels like eternity.

"I'm in love with Louis."

Stolen Kisses; Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now