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Harry wakes up to his head on Liams arm, with Liam in a starfish position on the bed. He slowly sits up and swallows a couple times to get rid of the dry feeling in his mouth. He looks at the clock and frowns, forcing himself to get out of bed. He decides to let Liam sleep a few more minutes while he gets dressed. 

He goes into the bathroom and pauses to look at himself, his frown deepening. His eyes are heavy on his face, and he slow blinks to keep them open. His hair is tousled from sleep, sticking up in all different directions. He wets it down and combs it out as he hears Liams alarm go off in the other room. The door creaks open and when he lifts his head, he can see Liam in the mirror. 

"You look like a mess. How much sleep did you get last night?" 

Harry narrows his eyes, but Liam just smiles back at him as he goes to wet down his own hair. He combs through it with his fingers and walks out of the room. Harry sets his brush down and follows Liam back into the bedroom. 

"I couldn't stop thinking about what you said last night. Made it hard to sleep." 

Liam turns his head for a second, in the middle of taking his shirt off. He just shakes his head and decides not to say anything as he puts a new shirt on. After the boys finish getting ready they head downstairs, eating the breakfast Anne had made before heading out the door with a quick wave and making their way to school. 

Niall is already waiting for the boys in the parking lot, immersed in whatever he's looking at on his phone. Harry and Liam both decide to sneak up on him and he shrieks, losing grip on the device. Liam quickly saves it from hitting the concrete and Niall clutches onto his chest. 

"Jesus Christ! I think my heart just stopped. You guys are so mean to me."  

Liam and Harry both laugh at that and Liam hands Niall his phone back. Niall taps the screen a couple times and then shoves it in Liams face, wanting him to acknowledge whatever Niall is showing him. Harry takes notice of Liams lips tightening into a thin line and his curiosity is peaked. 

"Have you seen this post? I've never seen this dude before and these two are all over each other. I think Lou has a crush!" Niall wiggles his eyebrows and Harry swears he can feel his heart beating against his ribcage, begging him to be let out. Instead of responding to Niall's statement, Liam focuses on Harry, worry evident on his face. 

"What post?" Harry manages to choke out. Liam just shakes his head as Niall turns the phone around, showing a recent Instagram post from Zayn. He recognizes the same random boy from the facetime call, with his arm hung around Louis' neck. They both have red solo cups in their hands and the lights are dim, making it known that they're at some sort of house party. There are people all around them, but they're focused on the camera with wide smiles. Based on the shakiness of the picture, he can only assume that Zayn had been laughing as he was taking it. 

He huffs and pulls his phone out of his pocket, shoving it into Liams face. How could they even be at a party? It was only the second day Louis and Zayn had been there. Harry already didn't like anything about this distance. 

"Liam, take a picture of Niall and I together." 

Liam has concern written all over his face as he opens the camera and points it at them. 

"Are you sure you should do that Harry? I wouldn't put it past Louis to come speeding home just to get a smack at Niall." 

At that Niall puts his head up in alert. "I'm sorry, smacked by Louis? I rather not. What's goin' on boys?" But Harry ignores him and pulls him in, signaling for Liam to take the picture. Liam hesitantly hands him his phone back after snapping a couple and he smirks at Liams frown. 

Stolen Kisses; Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now