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(Note: I as an American have absolutely no clue how the school system works in the UK, that being said I'm going to use the American school system, but the fanfic is still based in Doncaster! I apologize and if anyone would like to educate me about the school system there, I would love to know how it works.) 


Louis goes to stretch but quickly becomes aware of a weight on him. He looks down and smiles at the bundle of curls resting on his chest, directly above his heart. Instead of waking Harry up, he just places a kiss atop his head and lays back down, thinking about the night before. 

As the night got later, the boys had ventured off from their families and went over to Harrys House. They spent hours playing video games together in Harry's room. The boys had said they were going to stay up all night but as all the other boys drifted off scattered around the floor, Harry and Louis ended up being the only ones left awake. Harry yawned and they decided it was time for them to go to sleep, so they both got cozy up in Harry's bed and went to sleep together. 

Louis leans over and picks up a picture frame off of Harrys nightstand to admire it. It was during one of their family movie nights. Lottie and Louis had been arguing over who got to sit with Harry that night, so Louis jumped in his lap. He held a tight grip on Harry's shoulder while Harry put his arm around Louis' waist, keeping him from falling off. Anne had pulled out her phone to take a picture and both of them quickly put their thumbs up at the same time, showing their teeth and grinning. Harry had the watch on that Louis had bought him the year before that for Christmas.

Louis sets the picture frame down and lightly grabs onto Harry's wrist, smiling to himself as he feels that same watch from a year ago. He traces the outline of it without looking at it. The only time Harry had ever taken it off was to shower and even when Louis and Harry were fighting, he kept it on. That's how Louis knew they would be okay eventually. The day Harry took the watch off would be the day Louis loses his best friend. He knew it would never happen.

There's a tiny bit of rustling and then a small raspy groan coming from the floor as Zayn crouches over near the bed. 

"Louis, you awake?" he whispers it and Louis nods. 

"Yeah, what time is it?" 

Zayn grabs his phone and checks the time, then looks back at Louis. He pauses and raises his eyebrows. "it's 12:44 in the afternoon." 

Louis quickly sits up, careful not to wake up harry as he mutters out a 'holy shit' and picks up his own phone. "We should not have stayed up so late last night. Should we wake the other boys and then go get lunch?"

Zayn nods in agreement as he grabs a pillow and starts smacking Niall's head with it until he starts muttering swears at Zayn and smacks the pillow away. Niall starts to sit up, and Zayn does the same thing to Liam while Louis lightly tries to shake Harry awake.

"Hazza sweetheart wake up, it's late." Harry grumbles and buries his head into Louis' chest, but nonetheless opens his eyes and looks up at Louis. Wordlessly, he swipes a stray hair out of Louis' face. Louis, ignoring Harrys protests, picks Harry up and carries him to the bathroom. He sets Harry down and turns the water on while picking up the toothbrush Harry bought for him and starts brushing his teeth. Harry follows Louis' actions and does the same as well. 

The two boys walk out of the bathroom to see that all of the other boys are dressed and ready to go. Louis and Harry both quickly get dressed and then they all head of to their favorite cafe. 

After lunch, the boys all part ways to get ready for school the next day. Harry followed Louis to his house, and they babysat the girls for a few hours so Jay could have alone time. They were now currently up in Louis' room, trying to study but failing. 

Stolen Kisses; Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now