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Hey y'all! Just real quick I wanted to say sorry for not updating. My mom and I went out to be with family because my great grandfather and my grandmother recently passed away so my great grandmother has been alone. My aunt, uncle, cousins, and I have been visiting her constantly so she doesn't feel so alone. We stayed for about a week and so I wasn't able to write, but now i'm back home so I will be writing again!
Tuesday September 28, 2004
"Harry?" Harry looks up from the book he is reading to look at his friend playing on the phone.

"Yeah Lou?"

"Have you had your first kiss yet?"

"No." Harry sighs.

"Why not?" Louis looks up at Harry from where he's laying, staring with questioning eyes.

"Because girls don't look good and no boy likes me. Plus i'm ten." Louis scoffs and scrunches his eyebrows.

"I like you! And your mom said she had her first kiss at ten."

"Yeah but do you like me enough to kiss me?"

"Yes." Louis says it proudly, with a smile on his face. Harry leans into him even more, if that's possible with how close they already are.

"Have you had your first kiss Lou? Surely you haven't, or you would tell me."

"N-no. I haven't." Louis pauses for a second. "Wait! We can be each others."

"Really? Okay." Harry giggles and brings his face close to Lou's.

Now both the boys are beet red as they lean into each other until their lips meet. They give each other a quick peck and pull away.

"I liked that. Let's do it more Hazza."

Harry nods and smiles, liking that idea.

Sunday November 15th, 2009
One month and three days.

It had been One month and three days since Louis and Harry had gone near each other. One month and three days since they sat at lunch together, hung out with each other, or even said a word to each other.

It was driving Harry insane.

It was getting Louis annoyed.

It was making Niall upset.

It was beginning to make Liam angry.

And it was giving the whole school entertainment in being able to make up rumors as to why the two best friends weren't talking.

There were quite a bit of them. Harry had heard one where someone said that they fought over a girl. Harry thought that was stupid, it made him crazy. Harry doesn't like girls.

Louis heard that Harry had deflated his soccer ball and then laughed over Louis crying about it. That made him annoyed. Harry never touched Louis' soccer balls.

Niall heard about Louis using Harry's shampoo without permission and throwing the rest of it away. It got Niall upset, Harry lets Louis use Harry's soap, and Louis is not that mean.

Liam heard one that said Niall and Harry had started dating, and Louis was homophobic. It made him angry. Louis loves everyone, no matter what.

For the forty ninth day in a row, Niall sat at Harry's house while Harry cried on his schoolwork, and cried on his food, and cried while watching his favorite tv show. Niall stayed, and Niall comforted him.

For the forty ninth day in a row, Liam sat at Louis' house while he yelled about how he didn't need friends while doing his schoolwork, and eating his food, and watching his favorite tv show. Liam stayed and listened to him.

Today though, today was different.


"What?" Harry says it through sobs as he eats more and drops the popcorn all over the floor.

Niall sighs and hits the side of his head.

"Get up, we're going to Liams house. I left something there."

"But he's there."

"No, they're at Lou's house today."

"But Sunday is when his mom works all day and Mark takes all the kids except Louis out to lunch. And then after lunch he takes Daisy and Phoebe to ballet, where Lottie, Fizzy, and him all watch. Once all thats done, they get ice cream then head home but go on a mini drive first. So Louis wouldn't be at his house. He'd be at Liams."

Niall internally sighs. Of course Harry knows Louis and the rest of the Tomlinson families schedules.

"Yeah well they stayed at Louis' house because Nicole has friends over."

Harry sighs and stands up. Niall stands up and starts walking to the door. Harry walks behind Niall, dragging his feet and wiping his eyes.

While Niall sends a text to Liam, Liam hops off his bed and looks at Louis.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"What?" Louis grumbles out as he lays on the floor, doing his homework.

"Go downstairs and grab our shoes from the front door, don't question me. I've got to wee."

"Fine." Louis walks downstairs while Liam goes into the bathroom.

Liam looks at his phone right as Nialls message comes up.

call me.

Niall's phone rings and he stops on Liams porch. He looks down at his phone then up at Harry.

"Its my mom. Could you go in without me? Look for my green sweater, its on the coat rack."

Harry nods while Niall picks up the phone. Harry walks inside and before he can even walk past the door, he bumps into someone.

He looks up and his eyes meet ocean blue ones. They stare at each other for a second before they both jump up and hug one another.

"I shouldn't have said what I said." They both say it at the same time and laugh, slightly pulling away but still holding each other.

Liam comes running down the stairs and Niall walks in through the door.

Louis slaps Liam once he gets all the way down, but Liam and Niall just smile, happy that their other two friends are talking again.

"So how about the shoes mate? I figured we could all walk up to the ice cream shop."

Louis puts his shoes on and so does Liam. 

All the boys walk outside and up to the shop. When they walk in they're greeted by a worker.

"Hey boys, its been a while. Usually you come up here everyday."

Liam smiles at her and leans against the counter. "Sorry Lydia, it was just a bit of banter. But we're all good now."

"Alright, y'all want the usual?"


She walks over to the ice cream and makes all their orders. When she gets back to the register, she hands the boys the four ice cream cones and Liam hands her the money.

The four boys walk out of the ice cream shop while Louis and Harry hand their cone back in forth and Liam makes fun of them while Niall laughs.

As Harry looks at Louis, he realizes that everything is just as it should be. And he is where he is supposed to be.

Stolen Kisses; Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now