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Harry wakes up to a ringing on his nightstand. He grumbles and picks his phone up as he presses the green answer button. 


"Hazza mate! I was worried you weren't going to answer. Am I being a bother? I can call you back later if you need." 

Harry immediately sits up in bed and lets the covers fall off as a grin takes over his face. 

"Louis!" he breathes out a sigh of relief. "I've been waiting for you to call. I miss you." 

"Harry I've only been gone for five hours. I miss you too." Harry can hear Louis let out a faint giggle through the speaker. There's some rustling and Harry can hear Zayn muttering something incoherent before Louis speaks again. 

"What have you been up too these last couple of hours?" He can hear Louis' cheeky grin, which only makes him happier. 

"Missing you. I took a nap once I had gotten home, mom had made me this delightful cup of tea after-" He stops himself because he doesn't want Louis to know he was crying, much less why he was. 

"What was that Haz?" 

"Oh, I just said mom made me a wonderful cuppa after I got home. she could tell I was sad that you and Zayn were leaving, so she reminded me that I'll probably see you guys' next weekend." 

Louis laughs at that, and the sound makes the nerves in Harrys body dissolve. Louis sends Harry a facetime request and then starts to show the camera around his room, going back to his bed once the tour is over. He points the camera at the pillows. 

"I've got an extra pillow for you when you come see me Haz. This will be your spot right here." he pats the side of the bed closest to the wall. "I know you prefer the right side." 

Harry blushes and smiles at the camera, hoping that the camera won't pick up his red face. "Thank you sunshine, I can't wait to come see you." 

Louis turns the camera around as he flops down on the bed, smiling back at the camera. Harry notices a loud noise that makes Louis looks up above the camera. His smile grows, and Harry can't help but feel anxious. What could Louis be smiling at in that way? He shakes his head, annoyed with himself. He tries to reassure himself by thinking that It's probably just Zayn doing something stupid. 

At that, Louis looks back down at the camera. 

" 'm sorry I've got to go Harry; Zayn and I are going out somewhere tonight. I love ya!" And right as Harry goes to press the red button, he sees an unrecognizable brown-haired boy on the side of the screen, who was coming a little too close to Louis. 

Suddenly, Harry feels sick. He feels his chest swell. Grasping onto the side of the bed, he dials Liams phone number and uses the rings to focus his breathing. Liam answers after the third ring and Harry immediately loses it. He rambles on as he tries the explain the feeling in his body, but just like the boy on the screen, he can't recognize it. 

"It's only been a day and Louis has found a new boy, he's gay and I'm in love with him and I don't know what to do. I don't want him to be with anyone else." 

Liam sucks in a sharp breath from the other side of the phone, obviously caught off guard. 

"Harry, I do not think I have ever heard you talk this fast in my life mate. Slow down and tell me what's going on." 

Harry chokes out a sob as he puts Liam on speakerphone and wipes his face. 

"Louis called me to show me around his dorm. We were talking and all the sudden he said he had to go. So then, right as I'm hanging up another boy comes into frame. Another boy Liam! I've never seen this boy in my life, he's not any friend of ours. Who is he Liam!" He says the last part more as a statement than a question, his voice rising slowly. 

Stolen Kisses; Larry StylinsonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum