
492 17 55

Saturday, September 19th 2009.


"What do you want Lou?"

"You aren't paying attention to me. Can't you see I just want to be loved?" Louis pouts at harry and harry let's out a laugh, playing with Louis' hair.

"Sun you're literally laying in my lap. Just give me a second, Liam and I are trying to play our game."

"Yeah Louis, Harry and I are just trying to play our game." Liam sticks his tongue out at Louis and Louis launches forward, jumping over Harry's lap and hitting Liam.

Harry just shakes his head and pauses the game as he watches his two best friends fight.

Harry had known Louis since they were six after Harry had gotten hit with a basketball on the playground at the park and Louis had smacked the guy who did it then came to check on Harry. After that day, it was always Hazza and Sunshine together.

Louis decided he liked the name Hazza and Harry decided if he gets a nickname so does Louis. So he said since Louis made him smile so much and made him so happy, Louis was his sunshine. And it stuck.

Them being two years apart, the only time they got to see each other was class meeting, lunch, and assemblies. So in fifth grade, Harry walked up to some random kid in his class and asked to be friends. That guy ended up being Liam. Harry and Liam started to become really good friends so Harry introduced Liam and Louis.

Originally they hated each other. They would argue every chance they got. But eventually they grew on each other and realized they had something in common, which was keeping Harry from danger because he got into it a lot. Them three would always hang out at one of their houses, and it made it that much easier because they all lived on the same street.

Recently at the beginning of the school year Harry met a transfer student named Niall. He's Irish and shy. Niall took a bit of time to warm up to them but once he did he would laugh at everything. He was a very funny person and very sweet. They finally got him to come over to Louis' house, so now they're just waiting on him to show up.

Sure enough, the doorbell rings. Louis stands up from the couch and runs over to open the door, letting Niall come in.

"Mum, Nialls here!"

Jay comes walking down the stairs with Phoebe on one arm and Daisy in the other. Harry jumps up and without having to say anything, Jay lets out a chuckle and hands Harry both of the girls.

Louis smiles at Harry and introduces Nialls mom to Jay. Then he wraps an arm around Nialls shoulder and runs back into the living room with Harry and the twins trailing behind. When they get in the living room, Niall sits down next to Liam while Louis and Harry go back to their previous spots.

"Aw look at Haz with the girls. You're going to make a great mommy one day." Liam goes to pat Harry's head but Louis smacks his hand.

"Hey! Only I can call him Haz you idiot."

"Wow Niall, Louis is such and overprotective boyfriend isn't he?"

Niall lets out a loud laugh as Louis smacks Liam again and Harry giggles. Liam gasps and leans away from Louis dramatically.

"Hazza doesn't like being called Hazza unless I call him that stupid."

"Well I don't mind."

"Be quiet Harry."


Harry goes back to playing with Daisy and Phoebe while Louis stares at them and Liam hands Niall a controller as he starts up another game.

"Oh wait I wanna play!" Harry grabs his controller and the twins climb on his lap, each of them sitting on one leg. Louis steals Liams controller and Liam grabs another, starting the game.

Halfway through the round, Harry gets killed. He sets his controller down and glares at Niall.

"Niall how could you!?"

"Yeah how could you?" Daisy chimes in and pouts at Niall, lightly elbowing her sister to agree with her. Phoebe gets the message and nods her head in agreement. Harry smiles at them and looks back at Niall with a frown.

Niall just laughs but stops as soon as he notices Louis glaring at him. Louis makes a face and leans over a now red faced Liam, punching Niall in the arm.

"You totally cheated Neil. Not cool lad."

"Wha- I did not!" Niall scrunches his eyebrows and sets his controller down.

"Sure you didn't."

Right as Niall goes to jump over Liam, Jay calls out to the boys.

"Guys, dinner is ready! And Louis go get Lottie and Fizzy."

"I can get them Jay." Harry stands up and carries the twins to the table while the boys follow and then walks towards the stairs to get to Lottie and Fizzies room.

"Thank You Harry, you're so sweet."

He nods and walks up the stairs, knocking on the girls' doors. Lottie opens the door and smiles up at Harry.

"Hey Lots, dinners ready if you girls are hungry."

"Okay." Lottie blushes a bit and waves at Felicite. Felicite jumps off the bed and walks over to Harry and Lottie. Lottie grabs Harry's hand and Felicite walks up next to her, grinning.

"You sure do like holding my hand don't you Lots?"

Lotties face turns red and she slightly nods as she walks. Fizzy laughs loudly and walks in front of them, running the rest of the way down the stairs. Harry and Lottie walk quickly behind her, showing up in the kitchen only a few seconds later.

"Lottie what have I told you about holding Hazzas hand? The poor lad probably gets sweaty hands because of you."

"Hey, leave her alone Louis. She can hold my hand whenever she wants." Harry pulls her chair out for her and then goes to sit beside Louis. When he sits down he lightly hits Lou's chest with his napkin before setting it in his lap. Louis slightly giggles and smiles.

"Why can't I hit you without you retaliating but Harry could probably push you into a pool and leave you to drown yet you would never do anything back? Unfair I tell you." Liam rolls his eyes at Louis and starts whispering to Niall.

Jay puts the food on the table and all of them quickly starts filling their plates up and eating.


After dinner, the boys had played some games then went up to Louis' room. They were all currently getting ready to head to bed.

"Hazza stop being so slow, I'm cold."

Harry walks back in the room and rolls his eyes. He steps over Niall and Liam who are both already asleep on the floor and lays down on the bed next to Louis. As soon as he lays down Louis smiles at him and pulls the covers up.

"Good night Haz."

"Night Sunshine."

Harry reaches over and turns the lamp off, then soon enough both the boys fall asleep.


First chapter! Tell me what y'all think. Don't forget to vote, and definitely comment. I love reading and replying to comments. Lou and Harry are both so adorable!

Stolen Kisses; Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now