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It had been a week since Zayn and Louis had left. All of the boys had been facetiming every night, while Liam, Harry, and Niall had been together every day. With the first weekend of school coming up, the first Friday night party is going on as well. 

"Harry I know your hair is gorgeous or whatever, but are you almost ready? It's time to go!" 

Harry zones out Nialls voice and focuses on himself in the mirror, doing a once over on his outfit. He's wearing a new shirt he just got, a white tee with different black outlined hands all over it. He paired it with black jeans and a random pair of dark Nikes he found in Louis' closet. 

Harry lets out a groan as he grabs his keys and swings his door open, heading downstairs. He stands in front of the boys and raises his arms. 

Liam and Niall holler out a bunch of laughable compliments before each of them grab one of Harrys arms and drag him outside, all of them yelling bye to their mothers as they go. 

"I think our moms just like it when we go out because they get their girls night without us." 

Niall scoffs and pretends to flip his hair as he rolls his eyes back at Harry. 

"My mom could never! She loves me." 

"Niall we don't doubt that your mom loves you, all of our mothers love us. But they definitely love each other more." Harry laughs while he messes with the radio and Niall lets out an even more dramatic scoff of disapproval in Liams direction. 

"I mean I kind of agree with Liam. Like, think about it Niall, Jay and Trisha are both here. Their kids are about three hours away in college right now. Our moms are not just pretending to like each other for our sake!" 

"I think it's kind of cool how we're all five our own little group and our mums have their own little group as well." 

"Okay I can agree with that you guys, but that does not mean my mother loves them more then she loves me." 

Liam and Harry look at each other, both of them suppressing smiles as they hum in response to Niall. 

"Believe what you want to believe mate." 

"That is exactly what it means." 

Niall ignores them and turns the radio up, his face twisted in a look as if he's constipated. Liam taps Harrys shoulder and he turns in his seat to look at him. 

"He's kind of shit at pretendin' to be mad, isn't he?" 

Harry bites his lip and looks at Niall out of his peripheral as he sputters. Nialls face pinches, and Harry loses it, flailing around in his seat while silently laughing. Liam howls, his face turning red. Gripping the steering wheel tighter, Niall huffs. 

"Would you lot shut up! It's not even that funny." He mumbles out the last part with an annoyed tone. Harry and Liam don't listen and instead lose it even more. 

"You guys do know I am driving this car right. My hands are on this wheel. Your life is literally in my hands." 

"Yeah well I don't see you putting us in danger just to prove a point. You love us too much!" a sly smile comes across Liams face as he leans over Nialls shoulder against the seat. "You don't want your dear mommy to be mad at you right?" 

Harry knocks his head against the window as he claps, his legs wriggling around the floor of the car. Tears are coming out of his eyes as he tries to breathe because he's laughing so hard. 

Niall smacks Liam upside the head without looking at him as he slams the breaks and gets out of the car. Liam and Harry both stay in a minute to regain their composure before joining Niall on the porch of the random house they've just stopped at. 

Stolen Kisses; Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now