Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 18 (Pt 2)

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18 Oct 1991 - Nearly 6pm

Albus Dumbledore was not entirely happy even though he had agreed to Miss Granger's re-Sorting. It had been his deputy, with his wishes, that had held up the Petition. One boy expelled, his future possibly ruined. The other two suspended. Perhaps their futures would not be ruined, but the suspensions and the assault were part of their permanent record and it was not magic the Headmaster could alter. Future, prospective employers would see the assault and would base their opinions of Mr. Weasley and Mr. Finnegan upon it. It saddened him and angered him that two boys, with such potential, would have that stain to follow them the rest of their lives. No matter if neither made another mistake again, they were branded.

And, Miss Granger? Dumbledore shook his head. She would be happy. Her grades would be impeccable, her future secure. No one would ever know of this time. The girl would be re-Sorted instead of facing her troubles in Gryffindor House and dealing with them. Perhaps, he thought a touch acidly, Miss Granger wasn't a Gryffindor, at all. The Headmaster almost spoke aloud, but the grim expression on his Head of Slytherin House's face had him checking his tongue.

Slytherins, Dumbledore's mind whispered, they always run away.

Snape was beginning to hate the old man. The damned Gryffindor couldn't keep his thoughts to himself and in front of a skilled Legilimens, it was akin to shouting what he was thinking. Of course, Albus Dumbledore never did anything without purpose and the elder man's pointed look towards the younger wizard showed very clearly his disapproval of the re-Sorting.

The younger man was just about to bite out a scathing remark, when of all people, it was Minerva who told the old man just where to put his vituperative thoughts.

"Get that look off your face, Albus," she firmly remonstrated. Dumbledore gave the older woman a sad look and she just scowled. "I will not see Miss Granger in the Infirmary again for my out of date beliefs so don't look at Severus as though he is to blame!"

"You mistake me, my dear," the Headmaster said gently.

This time Snape was able to detect the very slight change in the man's modulation that signaled the start of his Voice Magic. He interrupted sharply, "It is obvious you do not approve of the re-Sorting, Headmaster. As the Petition has been approved by the Board, there is nothing more to be done." Snape crossed his arms over his chest and tightened his grimace into stone.

Dumbledore sighed and shrugged and welcomed the knock that came at his office door. With a wave of his wand, the door swung open to admit the Malfoys along with their son, Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger.

"Narcissa, Lucius," welcomed the Headmaster. Other than a brief glance, neither adult Malfoy even nodded a polite acknowledgement. Dumbledore ignored the slight as he addressed the two students. "Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy, if you would take seats by your teachers?" The two boys moved to the chairs that were in front of their two professors.

When Harry slumped relaxingly into his chair, Snape (instinctively doing what parents had done for centuries) lightly touched the boy's spine to make him sit up straighter. Harry glanced over his shoulder at the same time he sat up, a question in his eyes. Snape merely nodded and shifted to straighten his own spine in example. His expression did not change, but there was a touch of warmth in the dark eyes and Harry sighed in satisfaction as he moved his gaze back to the centre of the room.

Lucius ushered his wife to a chair and then lightly laid his hands upon Hermione's shoulders as he stood behind the girl. "We'd prefer getting this over with as quickly as possible, Dumbledore," said the eldest Malfoy, purposefully not using the Headmaster's title.

The Headmaster said nothing as he Summoned the Sorting Hat from its shelf high above his desk. When the Hat was in his hands, he turned and faced Hermione. Dumbledore conjured a stool and then bade the young girl to sit upon it.

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