chapter 33: monster in me

Start from the beginning


"Wait... what?" Jieun frowned. "Me? Why? It was just all in your mind, Jungkook-ssi. Maybe Seokjin-ssi just wasn't up to par-"

"That's why we need to try it again," Jungkook instructed. "Put your hand on me and try to make me sleep again, Lee Jieun-ssi."

Jieun furrowed her eyebrows. "I really don't think I'm the one who..."

"We won't know until we try," Jungkook said as he set an alarm on his phone and lay down on the ground in front of Jieun. "I set an alarm for half an hour - I'm gonna try to sleep for that long."

Jieun frowned. "But-"

Jungkook opened his eyes and glanced up at Jieun. "You said you'll help me, Jieun-ssi. Are you still going to?"

Jieun looked down at Jungkook, who looked so eager to sleep once more. She did promise him she'd help him, but she was doubtful about his claim that she was the only one who could make him fall asleep.

"I will try to help you," Jieun said with a small nod. "Though I can't make any promises about the outcome, Jungkook-ssi."

"It's okay-" Jungkook said with a smile as he closed his eyes. "I trust you."


Jennie was shaking tremendously.

From a nameless neighbour, to someone she knew fondly as 105, to Min Yoongi the mysterious guy upstairs, to now a serial killer...? And all this had happened within a span of two weeks... Jennie simply couldn't wrap her mind around it.

She trudged towards the recycling corner with her garbage bag filled with trash, slowly sorting out the cans and throwing them into the metal bin.

Jennie frankly didn't know how to feel. If someone asked her if she thought that Yoongi was a serial killer at first glance, she'd definitely say no. But then again, anyone nowadays could be serial killers - even the most innocent-looking ones of all. Yoongi and his clear brown eyes had fooled her - they had fooled her completely. Perhaps he had changed since then. But now that she knew, it was hard talking or laughing with him the same way they did before.

"I thought you said you had to go, why are you still here?"

Jennie felt a cold shudder run up her back as she heard a familiar voice from behind her. She spun around, only to see Yoongi dressed in his usual outfit, but with a mask and cap on this time.

And Jennie was terrified. For the first time, he actually looked like a serial killer in her eyes. The clear eyes, the way he barely smiled, the way he always eyed her when she ran around his kitchen, the way he slammed the secret room in his house - who knows what else other than cameras were in there.

Jennie felt her legs turn to jelly, but she tried to remain calm as she put on a smile and looked down at the garbage bag in Yoongi's hands. "Oh, you clearing the rubbish too?"

"Yeah, because even though someone promised-" Yoongi sighed as he dumped the entire garbage bag into the bin for general waste. "She didn't stay to clean up the mess she made. So I had to do it instead."

Jennie couldn't believe that the man standing in front of her who had killed his own father had the audacity to be talking to her. Was there perhaps an underlying reason? If it was intentional, he would have been locked up for way longer than 6 years. Manslaughter, perhaps?

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