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The drive back home from the event centre was quiet; the only happy person in the car was Hajiya Ruqayya, who had felt as if the world was on her feet. Everything was working as she had hoped, she loved how she got her husband's attention, yet she didn't grant him audience, she loved how her co-wife was almost fuming fire from her nose out of jealousy, and she loved how she had retorted at his indignant remarks the moment she had sat down. She kept humming and smiling happily as Ahmed drove silently, with a whole lot on his mind. The sun was starting to set; they had stayed back because Hajiya Ruqayya and Madam Mary had some things to settle with the wedding planner.

Asma'u on the other hand, was gloomy because of how she parted with the one person who seemed to understand her in a snap of a finger, she had connected deeply with Amir, as he has shown himself to be a person who got her jokes and a person she became fond of in a short period of time, she already knew Amir had four siblings, a boy and three girls, his immediate is a boy, then the twins and the last born who is a girl. His mother is a renowned house wife and his father, a business man. He works under his father and knows he's his father's favorite child. He explained how his mother, told him how lavish his naming ceremony was. None of his siblings were opportune to such lavishness. He mentioned how he wanted to marry a girl and live the same way he's father is living with them. He didn't forget to mention how much in love his parents are with each other. She had learnt all this things about him, within the time of the event. When Asma'u told him about being the only daughter in a twelve boys infested house, she did not miss the surprise and excitement on his face.

"How do you get along with them?" He asked enthusiastically. He knew his siblings fought daily and the little one would report anything anyone does to her. She would always stomp her feet up to her parents room to tell on them. It was hard keeping a secret with her. She always ruins everything. It’s been a bit better now, because she was growing rapidly and she surprisingly understands the meaning of sibling secrecy.

"I am the youngest and I am everyone's favorite" She replied grinning.

"You're definitely the annoying one" he had countered, smiling at her. She could only smile back. It's been more than ten years now. She knew everyone is all grown up; she is just a faint memory in their heads now.

When the reception ended, he had asked for her phone number but, she didn't own a phone. She remembers neither the house number nor the area in which the house is situated in. It had never crossed her mind to know, she never thought she'd need it. Now, that she does, she wasn't about to go ask Hajiya Ruqayya or even Ya Ahmed because, they'd ask what she needed it for and her answer would definitely not be appealing to their ears. She didn't miss the disappointment on his face when he realized this might be the last time they would see each other.

"Asma'u, it's going to be very hard to forget you" Amir had said staring at her. Both remained seated on their chairs, even as people exited the building. It's like they needed to savor the moment knowing it would end pretty soon. It was hard to say goodbye as both of them wish they could turn back the hands of time so they could enjoy everything all over again. It had been an immense pleasure meeting each other again.

His phone started ringing, in which he picked, the moment he said "Ina zuwa" she realized that was it. He was leaving and she wouldn't be able to talk to him ever again. She had found their discussions refreshing talking to a person who doesn't pity her, the way Ahmed and Hajiya Ruqayya does, she loved how he doesn't know her weaknesses, how he sees her as a strong woman not the broken one which Ahmed had seen countless times. She enjoyed how she wasn't being criticized by her poor sentence conjunction; his attempts to correct her grammatical errors are the best. "Asma'u, this is the most amazing day of my life. I had so much fun. I haven't talked to anyone else like this in a very long time. As much as I hate to see today end, I've got to go" he said smoothly with a sad smile. She felt tears wanting to well up in her eyes, but she blinked them back desperately. It would be a travesty for her to start crying just because he was leaving. He is bound to think she is mad.

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