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Nasma rolled her eyes dramatically at Rose's attempt to make her feel bad. She wasn't lying when she said she saved the seat for someone else. She had rich friends coming to this wedding, she wasn't about to jeopardize her plan to make better friends because of some skinny fair Fulani girl with long hair for anything, She watched Asma'u in disdain, envy and anger. Asma'u living in the same house as Ahmed bothered her whole lot.  Asma'u and Rose move further into the hall, Asma'u innocently asked Rose what the G stands for.

"Groom's Youth" Rose had answered absentmindedly waving at some guests. Asma'u did the calculation to know B stands for bride. A smile latched to her face as she understood that the bride and groom and shared the hall equally. Everyone would know where they belonged.

"Sit here! I'll be right back" Rose said quickly walking away. Asma'u noticed Rose's dress is unique! None of the groups wore anything like hers. Asma'u admired the thigh high slit. She knew she'd never have the courage to dress like that. Hajiya Ruqayya would have her for breakfast if she dares to try it. She couldn't believe Hajiya Ruqayya had coerced the make up artist into stuffing her braids into the headgear. Being deep in her thoughts, she hadn't noticed she was seated at a table of all guys! There was only one empty seat. She had prayed silently, hoping the next person to join would be a girl. She would faint if anyone attempts to talk to her. She couldn't speak English!!

"Saint?" a voice called out, making her look up as she's been playing with her fingers, praying the event starts soon. The shameless youths were staring. On seeing Vivian, a squeal left her mouth as she engulfed her in a hug. It had been so long, many a time had her thoughts travel to them. She wanted to go see them, especially Hafsat. But a thing or the other always distracts her from asking Hajiya when she can go visit the prison. "You look amazing! I see they're taking care of you. That's refreshing" Vivian said giving her a once over, even twirling her around. Asma'u giggled like a school girl.

"Where is mommy?" Asma'u asked looking around. Vivian pointed back towards the bride's side of the hall.

"You know the bride" Asma'u made a statement instead of a question. She still couldn't get the hang of the English.

"Her mother attends the same church as us. Knowing they're well to do, I followed her. Who knows, my husband might be here" She said stretching her neck, looking around. Asma'u couldn't help but laugh. Vivian is so pretty. She didn't need to try to get people's attention. She's thinking this because even the guys from her table were straining their necks to see Vivian well.

"Let's go so you can say hi. Once the event starts, you won't be able to come over. Rich people can entertain you from morning till night" Vivian said dragging Asma'u who hesitated because of her seat. She didn't want to stand through out the event. "Can you do us a favor please" Vivian said moving close to the guys who eagerly nodded with a smile. "Keep her seat. We'll be back in a minute!" Vivian said seductively earning various nods from the guys.

Meanwhile Hajiya Ruqayya and Madam Mary were by a corner discussing some bizarre events that had happened when they went to pay the bride price, when the wedding planner stole Madam Mary for questioning. Hajiya Ruqayya went to her seat and to her surprise, her husband and his Amarya were nowhere to be found. She read the name tags on the round table. She couldn't help but hiss. Dr Sani and his family would be sitting with them. Now she would have to tolerate more people.

The MC started with pleasantries, and then he asked for everyone to be on their feet for prayer. Once the prayer started, Madam Mary came and tapped Hajiya Ruqayya, she needed assistance, and apparently the cake movers have lost their way. After several minutes of description, they finally got to the venue. When Hajiya Ruqayya got back, she saw people on the table, meaning her husband, his wife and the Sanis. With her chin up, she walked straight to her seat, which is by the right side of her husband. To her surprise, her name tag, and her purse was shifted to the left hand side. She felt a pang of anger, but she masked it away. Who could be so childish to have shifted her name tag, she knew what she saw. When she looked up, she saw Hajiya Aisha by her husband's right hand side, which meant she wasn't hallucinating. Either her husband or Raihana moved it. Her husband did not spare her a look, even though he knew she was the one sitting beside him. Aisha waved casually at her; she did the same with a smile.

A Peculiar lovestory (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now