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Chapter 3

A lot changed for Asma'u after meeting Ahmed, although he hadn’t made his intentions clear, it was obvious he was smitten by her. Besides, what was he supposed to tell her, that he had fallen in love with her? Nobody would believe he had no ulterior motive for liking a prisoner therefore; he hid behind wanting to help his fellow Hausa sisters. That was actually working perfectly; he would send toiletries, provisions and a whole lot through warden Adunni, who had taken a liking for Ahmed. Ahmed wasn't opportune to visit them because of the nature of his job, but he made sure Bala sent the packages monthly. Asma'u didn't put much thought into the gifts she kept receiving through warden Adunni. In fact, she had her fingers crossed hoping they don’t stop coming as she was enjoying the care, she assumed Ahmed is just a Good Samaritan who pitied them, and felt the need to help them. She assumed he is God sent and would enjoy and thank God until the privileges stopped coming. Of course, she knew it wouldn’t last forever.

A notice came announcing the government's kindness to acquit some lucky prisoners, who normally included those who had maintained good virtues, served for a really long time, had a few years left to go and also terminally diseased inmates. This is the second time it is happening. On the first instance, Asma'u had assumed she'd be lucky since she was the youngest inmate, and the most peaceful one at that but, luck didn't shine on her, as random prisoners were picked and she never heard her name. She had cried herself to sleep that night and the next and the one after that. She became miserable and sad. Everyone pitied her; it was surprising that a young person of her age would be imprisoned in kirikiri. She kept moping and wallowing in self pity. After having a long conversation with herself one rainy afternoon, she stopped and looked forward to each day. She decided to go with the flow. Asma'u didn't want to raise her hopes up this time around, because she had been so broken the first time, she didn't think she could harbor the pain of not being picked the second time.

"Saint, did you hear?" Hafsat asked happily when they were having breakfast, which was an extremely watery pap and bread.

"What is it?" Asma'u asked cutting the bread with no difficulty. The first bite she took, she felt the irritating sound of stone. She breathed in calmly, and then spews the bread out of her mouth. Hafsat scrunched her nose and rolled her eyes clearly irritated by Asma’u’s lack of table manners.

"Shebi you cannot cover what you chewed with sand baa?"

Asma'u covered it then went ahead to check the bread for any dirt before taking a fresh bite.

"You were saying,"

"Yawwa, did you hear about the laying off of some prisoners" Hafsat stated enthusiastically. Asma'u nodded. She was chewing the bread slowly, scared of biting stone or any other thing that might be in it. Not eating meant she would starve and that isn’t part of the things she wanted to do with her self. "I hope they pick us. We've been so good and I believe we stand a chance" Hafsat said beaming with joy.

Asma'u scoffed in her head. She's been accused of negativity by Hafsat times without number, so she wasn't going to burst Hafsat's bubble by stating the truth. She knew the chances were really slim and unless she comes up with Cancer, she wasn’t going anywhere.

"Amin" she replied munching the bread slowly.


"Why are you rushing your food? Do you have an appointment?" Ahmed's mother asked staring at Ahmed skeptically. She squint her eyes in such a way one would understand she knew exactly why Ahmed is rushing. He was going to kirikiri for the second time. He is so happy he'd see Asma'u again; it’s been months since he’s seen and because he'd been so busy. Seeing her today would mean a lot.

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