Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 17 (Pt 3)

Start from the beginning

Lucius and Narcissa were seated on the right side, and Draco was at the foot of the bed. On the left side of the bed was an odd looking young woman, sporting dark purple hair, which Snape knew matched equally striking purple eyes.

"Nymphadora! What are you doing here?" demanded Snape with a slight scowl.

The girl spun... and spun herself right out of her chair. With a giggle, as her hair turned neon pink, she picked herself up and smiled at Snape.

"Wotcher, Professor!" she greeted.

Snape felt Harry step a bit closer to him.

"Speak the King's English!" snapped Snape to the young woman.

"Aww, you're still as charmingly stiff upper lippy as you always were, Professor." She grinned cheekily and then turned her gaze to the small boy that had what appeared to be a death grip on the Head of Slytherin's hand. "You're a sweet fellow. "I'm Tonks. Who are you?"

Harry slipped behind the drapes of Snape's robes, and peered out between his teacher's arm and his body at the odd girl. Snape put a hand between Harry's shoulder blades and nudged him gently in front of him.

"Nymphadora Tonks, this is Harry Potter," Snape introduced.

"Wotcher, Harry!" her purple hair faded into bright pink and Harry pushed back worriedly against Snape.

"Sit down, Dora," Narcissa ordered quietly. "You're a bit much for some people to take all at once."

Suddenly demure, and quiet, Tonks seated herself back in the chair, then shrugged apologetically. "Sorry, Aunt Cissy."

"May I ask what is going on?" asked Snape as he Summoned two chairs for himself and Harry. They seated themselves close to Draco.

Lucius replied, "Hermione is Dora's first field assignment for Auror Training, Severus. She's come to take Hermione's statement and we are here for moral support."

"Tonks," ground out the young Auror. "I asked you to call me Tonks."

Lucius' eyes narrowed at the young woman. "I shall call you Dora or Nymphadora, young lady. If you wish your friends to address you by your last name, then that is your prerogative. However, with family, you will just have to endure your name."

Tonks huffed, but mostly to herself. Narcissa eyed the young woman and straightened her spine. Tonks, seeing the gesture, sat up a bit straighter and received a smile from Lucius' wife. "Your name is one you'll treasure someday, Nymphadora," said Narcissa quietly coercive.

Tonks then slumped, her arms against her chest. "Nymphadora's too long and I don't like Dora!"

Snape ordered caustically, "Stop behaving like a child, Nymphadora! If you are here in the capacity of your job, then sit up and act like it."

Tonks glared at Snape, but she did end the slouching and took out her wand as she pointed it at Hermione. "Sorry for that, Hermione. I just need to finish doing a Diagnostic Spell and then we'll be done."

Hermione had been silent through the whole, odd exchange and just simply nodded. The spell was cast and they all watched as runes appeared above Hermione. When they faded, Tonks held a parchment transcript of the spell's results. She gave it a quick glance then rolled it up and tucked into an inner pocket of her long, leather duster.

"You were perfect, Hermione!" Tonks patted the girl's hand that rested on her blanket. "Thanks so much for putting up with me."

"Sure, Tonks. I'm glad I could do something helpful." Her glance drifted to Narcissa who smiled approvingly at her.

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