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I sat there with my hand resting on my stomach. Natsu searched my face and seemed confused when I didn't react. I nodded mostly to myself and sighed quietly.

"I'm not surprised. I'm just wondering why he waited so long to come after me."

Everyone in the guild seemed nervous, and I smiled at them all. Erza was staring hard into the floor, and I can only wonder what she was thinking. Master walked up to us and gave me a small smile.

"Well, you don't have to worry about anything Hiroka. I'm sure everyone would be more then glad to protect you if needed. Natsu said that they caught him off guard, and that is why he got injured. I'm sure they weren't anywhere strong."

I laughed and rubbed my stomach slowly. I didn't say anything after that, and Natsu asked what we should do.

"He won't stop until he either has me or is stopped. More people will come, and I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me."

Gray shouted that nobody was going to let me get hurt. Even if they got a few wounds from fighting, they were going to protect me.

Porlyusica growled and told everyone to stop screaming. She finished up with Natsu and stood up.

"All this stress is not good for you or the twins. We need to end this quickly."

Master agreed with her and she huffed out. She gathered her things and left quickly.

I watched everyone return to their seats and grabbed Natsu's hand. He squeezed back and rested his head on my shoulder. I saw Mira staring at me from the bar, and wondered what she needed.

Master spoke to her shortly and I saw he nod a few times.

Mira smiled at me and went back to her things. Master didn't look at me and instead went off somewhere.

Natsu tapped my hand and brought me back to reality. He asked if I was okay, and I laughed at him.

"If I wasn't then I wouldn't have said so in the first place. My father is weak himself, and can only order others to do his things. As long as he doesn't find anyone strong then we are good. And I doubt if he would ever come to me himself."

Natsu thought for a moment and said that I was stronger than my father, and that is why he wouldn't come himself. I wondered if he was right and sighed.

Natsu's injuries weren't too bad, and he was able to take the bandages off soon. He decided to stay back and not go on any jobs until it was safe for me. I tried telling him it was fine, but couldn't deny that I felt better with him close.

Happy was the most upset about not going on jobs because it meant no fish for him. I told him that I could get him fish whenever he wanted, but he said it wasn't the same. I asked how and he just sighed and walked off.

Everyone seemed to be on edge for the next few days. I guess that they were all wondering if someone was going to attack again. We would be ready this time, and I think they knew that and didn't come.

Master tried to find out who had attacked Natsu but was running into walls. Natsu didn't have a good description of the people in the first place, and it was making it harder for Master to find them. He assured me that they would be caught, but I had a feeling they wouldn't be.

He never did say where he went that day, or what Mira said to him.

I had been hanging around Juvia more often now as well. She had been asking me questions about being pregnant, and I could tell she wasn't going to stop unless I answered her questions. The questions were simple and I answered them easily. Others were more serious, and I had to think about them for a while.

"Do you think they will have your magic or Natsu's?"

I paused in the middle of a drink and thought about it.

"I think maybe Natsu more than mine. His magic was learned more naturally then mine. After all, I got my magic from a lacrima."

She tilted her head in thought and then sighed.

"Yeah, I guess your right. Did you pick out names for them yet?"

I laughed and told her no. That was the one thing that I was stuck on the most, and Natsu was no help. Mira overheard us and asked why.

"He just comes up with random things and doesn't even think about it. I just decided to wait until they were born."

Juvia smiled and said that was smart. I thanked her for saying that and turned to Mira. Juvia had begun talking about how she would love to have Gray's babies.

Mira was staring at me instead of saying anything. I chuckled nervously and waited.

She eventually said that it was fine however it happened. I sighed out in relief that she wasn't going to lecture me or anything. Natsu came up from behind me and grabbed my waist. He put his hands on my bump and sighed into my neck.

I smiled and leaned back into him. He pulled away after a minute and said he was better.

"I needed a recharge. I went too long without seeing you."

I asked how that was possible when we were in the guild together. He whined and said it wasn't the same thing, and I scoffed playfully.

Natsu sat down next to me and put his head on the table. Mira asked if he was alright, and he said he had a weird feeling. I said that he was just too anxious about my father. Nastu grunted but didn't say anything.

I rubbed his back slowly and asked when it started.

"I don't know. Just got it all of a sudden."

I sighed and continued rubbing his back. I felt a weird feeling starting to bubble up in my stomach too, but blamed it on gas.

About an hour later I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror and sighed. The feeling was still there, and I was starting to worry. It wasn't painful or anything, just pressure. Natsu asked if I ever felt it before and I shook my head. We found out that we were feeling the same thing, and wondered what was going on.

He had followed me in after I told him about the feeling. His eyes told me he was worried as well but didn't say so.

"Maybe your body is trying to tell you something Hiroka?"

I growled and said obviously. He stepped back shocked and I groaned.

"I'm sorry Natsu. It won't go away, and I don't know what to do. Something is wrong, but I don't know what. And it's not from the babies either."

He nodded and said that we could ask Porlyusica. I rubbed my face and nodded. With one last look in the mirror, I turned around and hugged Natsu tightly. He hugged back and then kissed me gently. We broke apart and went to the door.

It suddenly slammed open, and Natsu pulled me back. Happy stood there panting and told us to hurry. I asked what was wrong, and he pointed down the hall.

"Dark guild wizards are attacking us!"

I looked at Natsu shocked and swallowed.

"Guess we know what the feeling was for now."

Hiroka Dragneel the Water Dragonslayer Where stories live. Discover now