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Ruddy retracted and cried whilst. He felt like he had broken Ruddy. He felt broken himself. Louis was crying now, Ruddy was his beloved. "My rose! Come back to me!" Louis shouted, a desperate cry. Ruddy was shaking with his broken heart. Louis could feel the sadness, "I am no longer your Rose, stop lying to me" Ruddy whispered. Louis did not know what to do, he was at a loss. Ruddy's back had hit the door, his hands fumbled before he grasped the door knob and exited.

Louis was left alone with his thoughts. Not for long though.

"Prince?" The voice uttered, Louis had known this time would come

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"Prince?" The voice uttered, Louis had known this time would come. For he had only thought of this all of the day. "It is time, my lord", those five words were the nail to the coffin. Louis stood with a heavy heart and bag. His beloved was no longer such, and this war was awaiting him. Though as it might seem, Louis is no longer angered with his father, nor God. He is angered within himself. He has now lost respect for himself. He feels as though, he was too emotional and irrational when it came to the conversation with his father.

He strutted pridefully towards his carriage. His head held high and his hands clasped together in forefront of his belt. He had a granite face, stone cold, and stoic. His whole kingdom was aligned on both sides of him. Heads bowed with respect and fear. They all knew of the news, it had spread around like fire to a roast. Louis was prideful in knowing his own kingdom had not yet lost their respect. The same could not be said with his father.

His father held a emotionless face. One that had been bestowed to Louis a numerous amount of times. The look was one that his father granted to him in the public eye. It was nicer than the one behind closed doors, so Louis decided he would take it.

"Hello, father" Louis quipped with a stretched smile. One that showed formality and respect. Not one of love, they never showed any love towards each other. His father nodded respectfully, "Good afternoon, my son. We are here to bless you upon your trip. We do all hope you make France proud!" He said the last part with a genuine smile, he truly did love his country.

On his side was my mother, she was blubbering like a whale. Tears streamed down her cheeks, face red and contorted as she sobbed. It made me ache in my heart, I would truly miss her. "Mumma?" Louis croaked, he felt tears forming. He had not thought of his mother's reaction. He was so selfish, only thinking about Ruddy. His mother was hurting to see her first born leave with no guarantee to return.

She open her arms and flailed them about, wrapping them around me like a vice. I inhaled deeply at her shoulder, trying to remember the last time we truly hugged. The smell of rose water and vanilla rushed through my senses. It reminded me of my childhood, a distant but comforting place. "My loubear! I-I do not know what to do!" she whispered hastily into my ear. Her eyes ablaze and heart racing, "I cannot lose you, not after-" she paused and I nodded. We both understood the gravity of the situation. Neither wanted to rehash the past but both still were wounded at the mention. "You will not lose me mummy" Louis whispered softly into his mother's hair. He rubbed down her back and whispered words of encouragement until she quieted down.

His father came between them and told Louis, "your people are waiting for you speech, you will then leave". It was a formal command, but Louis was not wounded by this. He was going to miss his kingdom but he wanted to prove to them that he is the right king for them.

Louis turned to face the people. His eyes were softened at the faces of his people. His stance was tall but he was not trying to be intimidating, he was trying to be respected. "My beautiful subjects! Today is the day where I must leave to provide for you all. I am leaving with a set attitude and pride on my name. I will not let you all down!" He shouted out into the crowd. The people erupted with cheers and whistles of approval.

Louis turned toward the carriage and stepped into his next stage of life.

Little did he know, it would be the best stage of them

Little did he know, it would be the best stage of them

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Louis was left all alone in his thoughts. The abrupt stop of the carriage pulled him from within his mind into the real world. The weight of the carriage lifted, signaling Louis that his driver had come to see him. No sooner than the thought crossed his mind, his driver came into the carriage.

"Yes, Buford?" Louis asked, eyes brows furrowed and lips pursed. Buford was a loyal and smart man, never once telling a lie. He had worked for them for quite a while and you could tell with the wrinkles indenting his skin.

"Prince Louis, we have had to stop for the night. One of the mares have gotten a rock jammed in its hoof. Every time I try and get the horse back on track she whinnies" Buford said with his eyes downcast, sign of respect. Louis hummed and nodded to himself, "Alright, well, my companion Buford, where shall we be staying?" Louis asked. "The Issigeac village my price" he said.

Not long after they had gotten to the village, it was spread about that the Prince of France was in their lands. Louis had quite the reputation, half of Europe assumed he was a free loader, sucking the throne of its every last drop of money before he fled and never turned back. The other half was divided into two opinions. One of the opinions was that Louis was a slut, spreading his legs as wide as he could for every conquest that had stumbled by him. The other thought he was a saint that would be one of France's best rulers there ever was. The bad out weighed the good, but Louis was never one to care about opinions that didn't matter.

He knew who he was and he accepted it with full grace. Not a single part of him would change what he's done over his years of adulthood. He was quite proud of his acceptance. For he was a sinner after all, but he knew this, he was loyal to his country, that's all that matters.

France was his biggest lover. She was the key to his heart. But the death of it as well.

End of Chapter IV

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