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"Ô, Wanderess, WanderessWhen did you feel your most euphoric kiss? Was I the source of your greatest bliss?"- Roman Payne

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"Ô, Wanderess, Wanderess
When did you feel your
most euphoric kiss?
Was I the source
of your greatest bliss?"
- Roman Payne


Rain was not too kind to those who misread its jurisdiction. Rain was not meant to ruin your days of work or to ruin your plans with the day. Though, we do perceive it as such, rain is replenishing of life. Without rain, there would be no crop, no life. But yet we blame it for unintelligent faults.

Louis enjoyed the rain. It thudded against the wet soil. The rumble of the thunder as it struck the ground. The hazy fog that lays overtop of the graveled streets. The rain reminded Louis of himself, misunderstood.

But the Sun always comes to clear to rain. Many find happiness in the Sun, Louis as well. He feels the warmth on his skin, light as a whisper. It touches his cheeks in the morning and kisses his shoulders goodbye at nightfall. You could say Louis loved the Sun more than the rain. The Sun was not a feeling, it was a person. His person.

He had fallen in love all those years ago, such nostalgia pains him. But for now, as the rain pours, he will allow himself to slip into the past.

 But for now, as the rain pours, he will allow himself to slip into the past

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Ruddy was Louis' servant. All throughout his life Louis was taught by riches, for riches, with riches. He was not spoiled, but he was not sullen with the undermined need for money. He was fed with a silver spoon so to say.

Ruddy was his best friend though. Even though neither was cut from the same cloth did not mean they had to hate each other. Ruddy was a kind and gentle boy. The apples of his cheeks were always dusted red. His tunic was a stained cloth, his plaid hose were to big for his gangly limbs. Louis was juxtaposed, he wore the nicest silks. His every outfit was fitted to his skin, as if another layer. His clothing was bestowed with embroidery and jewels. They were different indeed, but that made the pair closer.

"Louis?" Ruddy asked softly as they lay in the grass fields. Louis merely glanced at the boy, urging him to continue. "Have you ever considered a wife?" He asked shyly, the sun beaming on the boys. Louis and Ruddy were at the ripe age of thirteen. Louis had thought of his future many times a day. Though he had never pictured a woman in it. "I don't suppose I would want a wife" the prince said finally, this made Ruddy's smile widen. Ruddy's energy was kinetic, it clung to the prince with a tight grasp, unwilling to let go. He looked up at the young boy, "Why do you ask?" The king wondered aloud. Ruddy blushed a crimson, "I-I do not know my king" he stammered out airily. Louis was not convinced, thus he sat up on his hind end and faced the red cheeked boy. "Do not lie to me Ruddy, we are friends. And I your King" Louis said lightly, but the intent was clear. Ruddy looked up tears glossing his eyes, "I have sinned" he choked out. Louis felt his heart constrict with an unknown pain, "what do you mean Ruddy?" He asked. Ruddy sobbed into his hands and looked back at the young King, "I-I think I prefer men" he stuttered out. His head was hung and his hands were trembling. The King did not understand, "I prefer boys to girls as well. Girls are snotty and crude. Boys are rough and humorous!" He cheered but Ruddy did not share his joy. "No, my lord. I prefer men as lovers." Ruddy said with a sigh, head still hung.

Louis felt as if the air had been punched out of his stomach. His lungs were on fire to regain their loss of oxygen. Ruddy was now looking at the King, head held up in anticipation and hope. "Oh" was all the young king could muster. Ruddy's eyebrows furrowed into a frown, he was quick to stand. He wanted to run, flee from such embarrassment. But before he could preform such acts Louis pulled the boy down. Though his calculations were not as strong, as seeing Ruddy had landed atop of Louis. Ruddy's genitalia was against Louis'. Their whole bodies were aligned in a harmony. Ruddy was flushed red from crying and embarrassment. His eyes were a blue gloss and his brown curls were looping down the sides of Louis' face. Their eyes were locked and intent on staying this way.

Louis had felt something overcome him. His eyes trailed down to the silky red lips of his friend. Ruddy's name fit him, Ruddy meant red. Ruddy was surely red, his cheeks, his ears, his eyes, even his lips. Louis though of the way they would taste, maybe of cherries! He decided his pride was worth nothing and this was the most important act of the world now. He was destined to find out their flavor. He leaned in slowly, afraid to provoke the young servant. He gripped Ruddy's hips tighter and pulled him closer. Ruddy whimpered and let out a shaky exhale as the King came closer. It was as if he were the Lion and Ruddy the Lamb. One bite would satisfy one and kill the other. He decided to chase his desires as the lion and bite.

He pressed his mouth against Ruddy's in a firm kiss. At first they didn't know how to move, they tried to open their mouths but teeth clanked more than their lips moved together. So, they decided lips were more important. They eventually found their rhythm and they moved together as one. After a few minutes their tongues danced together, each pulling away periodically to breathe in a breath. They rutted their hips together, both chasing their own pleasure in this act of sin. Neither knew of what was to come after this, but neither dared to figure out. They had worked up enough friction that Ruddy whimpered out and soon Louis felt a warm liquid seep through his britches. At first he had though Ruddy had soiled himself, but when he glanced at his face he had seen the blissed out look in his eyes. So Louis also let go of that pent up energy. It felt like sparks alighted within his skin, trailing down to his toes. Louis threw his head back and felt warmth overcome his nether regions. Once he had come down from this euphoric high he opened his ocean blue eyes. Ruddy was intently watching for his King, now his lover.

"I-I, I am so sorry my lord! It was my fault-" Louis cut off the red boy with a chaste kiss to his lips. "No need for apologies, my rose. It was of my pleasure as well, even if, I initiated such acts" Louis said with a chuckle for good measure. Ruddy also giggled and hid his face in Louis' neck. They stayed in this position til the moon took over the sky. Stars bursting with colors of red, blue, and white. The colors reminded the two of passion and loss. "What shall happen now?" Ruddy whispered not wanting to disturb the moment. "We shall keep this a secret, my rose. But fear not, I still want this to continue." Louis promised and Ruddy felt a tinge of pain but with that small ounce of pain came this overwhelming amount of ecstasy.

End of Chapter I

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End of Chapter I

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