Can I Have You Forever? - Ch. 2

Start from the beginning

"No, sir," Mike answered.

"Then go to the office and get one," he said, continuing to write on the board.

My jaw dropped. He can't be serious! The other teachers would just tell us to sit down or whatever. But him? He's making us go to the office, which is on the other side of the school, to get a damned note and come back. Was he crazy or something?

He must be, I replied to myself.

"That's stupid," I said.

Mr. Rivera looked up from the bored and looked at me. If it wasn't for his eyes, I wouldn't have known he was suprised by my answer. "Excuse me, Rebecca?"

I crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm not walking to the other side of the school just to get a note when you can just let us sit down and continue with your teaching."

"My classroom, my rules. Now, go to the office and get a note." He continued writing on the board.

I tapped my foot to let him know I was still standing there. "I'm not going."

He sighed and turned to look at me. "I really hate being the bad guy," he muttered. He sighed again. "Rebecca, you have a week of detention."

I just looked at him. "I can't. I have cheerleading practice."

He shrugged, unconcerned. "Not my problem."

I blinked. "But-"

"Two weeks of detention. Want to make it three?"

I just stared at him with my mouth open. I can't believe he did that! He's giving me two weeks of detention for no reason! Well, there is a reason but it's stupid! Just because I talked back and refused to get a note from the office doesn't give him the right to give me detention... Right?

I glared at him. "You'll be hearing from Mrs. Jenson."

He smirked. "I'm looking forward to it."

*         *          *

"Are you serious?!"

I was standing outside of Mr. Rivera's classroom with Mrs. Jenson, my cheer coach, when she told me she couldn't do anything about the detentions Mr. Rivera gave me.

"Yes, I am. I talked to him but he's not giving in. I'm sorry, sweetie, but you'll have to do the detentions."

I sighed in fustration. This was BS. It really was. I have to miss cheer practice for two whole weeks and I have to miss three football games.

"This is stupid," I said. I think stupid is my Word of the Day. That's all I've been saying today.

Mrs. Jenson patted my arm. "It won't be that bad. You'll just be in his classroom for an hour. Do something productive during the time. Do homework, read...anything."

I sighed. "Okay, but tomorrow in class, I'm going to give him hell." That was how I was. If you did something to piss me off, and I'm not easily pissed off, I'll give you hell the next few days I see you. I'm truly a nice girl. I don't have a problem with anyone and I'm friends with mostly everyone in high school and around my neighboorhood. I'm the girl that always has a smile on her face and is in one of the bestest moods. But if I'm mad or pissed off, it's like the devil coming out to play.

Mrs. Jenson laughed. "I know you will." She smiled then walked down the hall.

I watched Mrs. Jenson walk down the hall, dreading detention with Mr. Rivera. I was going to be in his classroom with him.


Even though I was angry at him, my day just brightened up.

*          *          *

Ten minutes.

It's only been ten minutes since detention started and I'm bored out of my mind! I've tried reading but gave up a minute and a half after I started. I tried to do homework but I just couldn't concentrate.

So, I've just been sitting at a table and staring out the window, which I was already geting tired of.

I sighed and looked at Mr. Rivera and blinked in suprise. He had his arms crossed over his chest leaning back into his chair and was staring at me, intently.

I cleared my throat. "Is there a problem?"

He shook his head. "No. I'm just trying to figure you out."

I blinked. "Figure me out?"

He nodded. "Yes. You're unhappy."

I blinked again. What was up with him and suprising me today? "I'm not unhappy. I'm extremely happy."

"That's not what your eyes are saying."

An I dea popped into my head. Was he flirting with me? Could Mr. Rivera possibly be flirting with me?! "And what are they saying?"

"That you're not happy."

I rolled my eyes. He could have said something cute but he just had to repeat the sentence. "Do you normally do this with a student?"

His brow came down and a frown made its way to his thin kissable lips. "Do what?"

"Look into your students' eyes?"

He looked down at his desk and cleared his throat. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." he trailed off and sighed.

"It's okay, I was just wondering."

He lifted his head up and gazed at me, his dark brown eyes making me melt in my seat. "I don't normally do that but..." He shrigged. "I don't know what happened. I just...I don't know."

I laughed. "I said it was okay. You don't have to explain to me."

He smiled at me, making my heart skip a few beats. "Can I share something with you?" he asked me after a moment of silence.

"Sure..." I said uncertain.

"I'm glad you're the only girl that hasn't flirted with me."

My mouth went dry. "I've gotten over fifty phone numbers today," he continued, not noticing my reaction. "Girls have been talking to me nonstop and let me tell you, it's annoying. They ask the same questions over and over. 'Are you single?' 'Do you go to the gym?' 'Can I have your number?'" He shook his head.

I couldn't say anything. He trusted me to tell me this and he thought I wasn't one of the girls' that have been trying to get with him.

If he thought I wasn't one of the girls that was trying to get with him, then he knew very little and I wanted to keep it that way.

I hope.

- Uhh, don't really have anything to say except I hoed you enjoyed and sorry for the crappy chapter. I promise it'll get better.



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