"What's this supposed to be?" James asks as he stares at the burnt toast, egg, and bacon on his plate.

"Just scrape it, there are parts that are good," Gianna says, urgency in her tone. She needs to drill the boys before Sarah comes.

"What parts?" James says in irritation.

"Where's Jacob? I am hungry." Jonah mutters,

"He is sleeping in, he deserves to," Gianna says with a groan. "Plus, I told him, I can handle breakfast today."

"Well, clearly you can't," James says pushing the plate aside.

"Who burns eggs" Jonah comments.

This conversation is not panning out the way she imagined, she needs to gain control of the conversation.

"Okay guys, 20 dollars each to get breakfast on your way to school." Gianna offers.

"Cool," Jonah says also pushing his plate aside.

Now that she is back in control of the conversation, she goes straight to the point. "You guys seem happy that your Cousin is back home..." Gianna starts.

"Nico is cool." James nods.

"Do you know why he went to prison?" Gianna asks.

"Well, I think..." Jonah begins but James cuts him off with a little nudge to his arm.

"Beth says not to talk about family with people who aren't family."

"Well, Beth isn't the one giving you 20 dollars for breakfast."

The two boys look at each other before they begin to spill.

"Fraud," James says.

"Theft," Jonah counters.

"Arson," James argues back.

"What's arrson? Now you are just naming crimes." Jonah rolls his eyes.

"That's not even how you pronounce it dimwit." James retorts.

Gianna lets out a frustrated breath. She is not going to anything out of them. She doubts they even know. "It is okay guys," She takes money from her back pocket and places it on the counter. The two grab the money in haste.

"What doesn't it even matter? He was framed, he didn't do it. Those snobs from the right side of town had it in for him." James says.

Gianna sighs, this information gathering is going to be harder than she thought.

"Guys, we are late. Let's go." Sarah appears into the sitting room, and a shirtless Nico shortly after her.

"What's this?" Sarah says walking into the kitchen, staring at plates.

Gianna's focus is mostly on Nico, whose curly hair falls gracefully on his face as he approaches them. She is trying to train her heart not be beat so fast when he is around. He doesn't need to know the effect he has on her, he is already smug enough.

"Gianna made it."

He is moving closer and closer, well, there goes her training, her heart starts beating fast again. She doesn't move as he walks past her to get to the refrigerator. She can feel her back heating up like he is close to her skin when actually he is searching for milk in the refrigerator.

"Gross," Sarah comments,

"Are you wearing makeup?" James asks looking at Sarah's face closely.

"I bet she is trying to get Diego to notice her." Jonah mocks.

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