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Nico walks into Steve's compound just in time to see Steve all dressed up in that sheriff uniform that clearly holds no honour, getting ready to leave for work.

"If you are here to remind me of your threats, I don't have time. Crisis in town, a dead body was found." Steve says the second he sees Nico. He walks down from his porch.

A smile spreads out on Nico's face. "Lucky you, I think I am responsible for most of the crisis around town."

Steve halts his movement. "And the dead body?" He says, knowing well he won't like the answer that will come out of his mouth.

"I may or may not be guilty." Nico shrugs.

He knows never to admit a crime.

At this moment, Steve sees the monster he helped create. He can't believe his eyes. He really did ruin his life by putting him in jail.

"W-what... I-I" Steve stutters.

His facial expressions are all the entertainment Nico didn't know he needed but he needs to focus, and go straight to business.

"The dead body is Sparks, now I need you to do me a favour," Nico says, putting his hands in his pocket to take out a white handkerchief.

He then takes out the gun from his back pocket with the handkerchief.

Seeing a gun, Steve in reflex puts his hand on his gun strapped around his waist.

"Relax," Nico says holding the gun up.

"What are you doing with that?" He asks, his hands still on his gun.

"You see this is the murder weapon, don't worry, I have cleaned my prints off. But I need you to put Rudy's prints on them, I don't know how you are going to do that."

"You what me to frame another person for the murder you committed?"

"You are not new at framing people for a crime they did not commit. That's why I know I came to the rights person." Nico states.

"I have changed." Steve manages to say. "And I am sorry for everything I did to you."

"Too late." Nico's face becomes hard. "It's either Rudy is detained or your son his jailed. Choose?"

Steve sighs, "Rudy lives with a bunch of people, he will have alibis. Alibis that will include your sister."

"Find a way, I need him detained for a night or two."

"What are you planning to do?" He asks trying not to show the fear he has for the man he watched grow up.

"Why don't you worry about the job I asked you," Nico says handing the gun over to him.

Steve reluctantly takes it. Not saying any words further, Nico walks away.

Something has been eating into Gianna's mind since last night and she doesn't know who to tell.  She had considered telling Jacob but then he left the house early today to catch up on work.

It's only Beth that's around and she's kind of scared of her. She's worried about what Nico's up to. She knows she should mind her business and focus on what pays her but she can't help it.

"Can I talk to you?" Gianna asks playing with the hem of her shirt.

Beth stands up from her chair and throws her leather jacket over her shoulders. "Yeah, what's up?"

"It's about Nico," Gianna say as her eyes meet Beth's. She sees the spark of interest on Beth's face at the mention of her brother's name.

"What about Nico?" She asks, sitting down again.

"Something weird happened last night at the event." Gianna pauses, trying to make an internal decision if she should tell Beth.

"What happened?" Beth says softly encouraging her.

Gianna sighs. "When I told him Sarah wasn't at the event. He freaked out as if he already knew something bad will happen to her even before getting home." She lets it out.

Beth raises her eyebrows, trying to put two and two together. Just as she's about to come to a revelation, her phone starts buzzing.

Beth puts a finger up, before answering the call.

Gianna waits for the call to end, so Beth can confirm what she already thinks is the truth.

"They can't do that." Beth yells, which catches Gianna's full attention. "I am on my way."She says, standing up.

Gianna stands up with her, noticing the urgency in her tone and the confusion in a facial expression.

"What happened?" Gianna asks.

"Sparks is dead. And Rudy just got arrested." Beth responds, still shocked at the information.

Beth begins to walk to the sitting room, where Gianna races to catch her.

"About what I said earlier-"

Beth interrupts. "Nic gets all dramatic when it comes to Sarah. He was just worried that she was home alone given how unsafe our community is and he was right to worry." Beth lies.

Her information indicates that Nico probably knew that Sparks was going to raid last night. Since a dead body is now involved, she can't go accusing Nico without evidence.

"You are probably right." She says with a breath of relief.

"I got to go," Beth says as she disappears from the sitting room.


"You are right, Rudy and his guys are working with Uncle. They deal outside Purple's Ville at a small scale."

"That's Rogers territory," Nico says with a smile on his face. The feeling never gets old when he finds out he's right. "Thanks." He says hanging up.

It means Uncle is really desperate if he's working with Rudy and his guys. Rudy is crossing his boundaries by dealing outside the town.

"Rudy just got arrested," Jamal says dropping a beer on the counter in front of Nico.

"Steve works fast." Nico nods removing the cap on the beer and takes a huge gulp.

"What next?" Jamal asks, leaning on the counter.

"I went back to the crime scene last night-"

"Why would you do that?" Jamal attacks him before he can finish speaking.

"To get back- no reason." Nico changes his mind about telling Jamal about how he searched Sparks' body to get Gianna's necklace back.

Jamal will tease him and he isn't in the mood to defend himself.

"Old man Drew saw me."

"That's no big deal, he has Alzheimer's. He doesn't even remember who you are." Jamal mutters.

"I know but after your shift, I need you to visit him and ensure he really doesn't remember anything."

Nico doesn't want to take any risks now that his plans are getting somewhere.

"What would you be doing?" Jamal asks as folding his arms.

"After my meeting with my Parole Officer, I am going out of town to Roger's territory," Nico says not hiding his excitement.

"Oh God, you really are looking to get yourself killed, aren't you?" Jamal shakes his head in disapproval.

"Aren't you going to ask?" Nico beams, ready to tell.

"Okay fine, what are you planning?"

To Love A CriminalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora