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Gianna has been staying with the Bailey's for a week now. She knows the basic things she needs to about the family and Purple's Ville where they live. Purple's Ville is divided into two, the elites and people like The Bailey's. These people are a community and are familiar with one another. To avoid questions, Gianna doesn't stay long enough for them to ask, a piece of advice given by Jacob.

As for the family, Beth isn't as scary as she is first seen to be, she is actually girly and Sarah is right, she hardly stays in the house. One will think that she will since she has a 10-month-old baby in need of her attention. 

Jacob and Gianna have become friends. Turns out they have a lot in common, music and movies wise. Jacob is gay, but he is yet to come out to his family. Gianna feels kind of special that she is the only one that knows. It's their little secret.

As for Sarah, she is a hard nut to crack.  She is a teenager, being hostile is something of pride for them. In spite of her hostility, yesterday, they had a full-on conversation, Gianna calls it an improvement. She helped her prepare the basement for their brother who is getting released out of jail today. 

Speaking of the Jailbird, Gianna has two facts about the Nico guy. He is either the one on the left end of the family picture or the one on the right. They have another brother whose name is Adam so it's hard for Gianna to single him out. Also, Nico likes Star wars, that's pretty much it.

She has no knowledge of his crime and she doesn't know if she should be worried and leave when she still got the chance. The thing is, even though she has it at the back of her head that she shouldn't, she is getting comfortable here.

Sarah and the twins are really happy he is coming home, so he can't be that bad. Right?

"We should all be there?" Sarah whines.

Sarah is trying to convince Jacob to let her and the twins skip school to pick up Nico. They are having breakfast and of course, Beth is absent.

"You act like he was serving his country and he deserves welcome with open arms. He was serving time." Jacob says as he picks up his plate and walks to the zinc. "Plus you are going to see him when you get back, so no need skipping school."

"You are so boring," Jonah mutters.

"Okay then, when are you going to pick him up?" Sarah asks walking into the kitchen. She places her plates in the zinc for Jacob to wash.

"I am not. I have a busy day at the auto shop."

"Fuck you, I am not going to school," Sarah yells.

"I am sure Jamal will pick him up, after all, he is his best friend."

"It will mean so much to him if the family is here," James says with his tiny voice.

"You guys are going to school and that's final." Jacob hits his hand on the zinc, which produces a loud thud. Everyone stays quiet for a while.

"You a not my father, stop acting like you are." Sarah spits before walking out of the kitchen. She picks her schoolbag and walks away, the twins do the same.

"That was crazy," Gianna says with a nervous laugh.

When they get into family conversations like that, Gianna stays quiet, so quiet that she is almost invisible.

Gianna carries her plate to the zinc.

"Let me have that," Jacob takes the plat from her hands.

"Thanks," Gianna smiles.

She walks over to the counter and leans on it. "Should I be worried about your brother coming home? You don't seem to be happy about it."

Jacob takes a cloth and begins to dry the dishes. "He didn't harm anyone if that's what you are worried about. He is anything but violent. He didn't even do what it is he went to jail for."

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