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"Want to go upstairs?" Jason places his hand on her thighs, gives it a little rub, looks up at her with a boyish smile on his face. 

Gianna empties a glass of bourbon into her mouth and swallows its content with one hard gulp, with full knowledge that she needs to be drunk enough to say the following words. "Suree," She drags with a tight smile on her red lips.

Jason gives a victorious smirk thinking his charm did the trick. The truth is charm fell short as soon as the lies kicked in. Gianna knows he's not the owner house in which the party is taking place. The owner is Silvers, one of her dad's friends and his son is the one who's throwing the party. She also knows this guy doesn't own a vacation home in Mexico and she is not expecting a ride on his jet any time soon.

The 22-year-old has learned from a young age that girls should be dumb, in her world it never pays to be smart. Her mum, Kaylee, has been playing dumb her entire life and she is still married to her husband of 28 years.

She actually has the jet the man here is bragging about. Kaylee Cole Rae knows when to talk when to listen and when to give her husband the ego boost he needs.

Sometimes being dumb is being smart. Gianna is smart enough to play dumb too especially when it comes to men. Hence the reason why she is making this guy whose worn-out pair of Jordan's have already given him out, think he played her. If she had called him on his bullshit the minute he walked up to her, she won't be getting laid tonight.

Jason takes her hand and leads her towards the stairs, pushing a couple of drunken people out of the way. They make it to the stairs where they stop upon hearing whistling coming from the sitting room. It's a bunch of Jason's loser friends.

"Jackpot!" One of them yells.

"Ignore them," Jason says while trying to hide the smug on his face which is as a result of his equally broke friends hyping him up.

Maggie, Gianna's best friend, who's also sitting among the guys winks at Gianna. Maggie is actually dumb, it's no surprise she actually believes the "I own the house" lie which one of the guys also told her. Maggie is a sweet soul and Gianna loves her but she can be extremely stupid. Then again, Maggie's parents are so rich that she doesn't have to hold an intellectual conversation her entire life.

When they get upstairs, they hurriedly start searching for an empty room and when they did, they get right to it.

Some nights being dumb pays, the sex ends up mind-blowing but most nights, she has to just lay there and boost the man's ego. She should have known that tonight will be one of those nights when Jason placed his hands on her thigh and she didn't feel a thing.

Jason carefully places her against the wall while she wraps her legs around his hip. Gianna isn't one for kissing, she goes straight to business.

She takes off her shirt and throws it to the ground, Jason who should be doing the same is currently staring at her boobs like it's a treasure. This happens almost all the time, for someone with a small body size, Gianna boobs are quite big. In high school, she hated how her full C-cup boobs were but now it makes her confident that she can render men speechless.

She can feel his little friend hard and pressed against her shorts, at least one of them is aroused at the moment.

Jason starts placing sloppy kisses on her neck down to the top of her boobs. Gianna throws her head back in disappointment, already envisioning how unsatisfied she will be after this. The man carrying her obviously doesn't know what he's doing, so she decides to take control.

"Choke me," She orders looking down at the man who was so smug earlier.

"W-what?" He stutters in excitement.

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