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"Let him go," Roger waves his men off as his eyes move to the unfamiliar man before him.

Nico drags his arms from the tight hold of the two muscular men that grabbed him when he asked to speak to Roger earlier.

Apparently you don't come into Rogers turf and make demands. He would have been killed on sight but as always the name "Bailey" has its perks.

The guards give Nico a stank eye before taking several steps back. Nico adjusts himself, raising his eyes to look at the almighty Roger.

He is seated on a pile of cash, like legit cash.

Nico has always heard rumors of how much Roger makes, the government officials under is control and there houses he has. He never believed, how much can a gang leader actually make?

The mansion he is standing in, the cars he saw packed out front, it's all prove of the rumors. Maybe that's why he doesn't want anyone in his turf. But then again, Roger has been doing this for years before even Purple's Ville had gangs.

"They say you are a Bailey boy," The Mexican middle aged man's says looking doing at him.

Roger loves his cash throne, from the platform where he seats every one looks small.

"I am, and I want-"

"You are in fucking my tuff, no one cares what you fucking want!" He yells.

Nico swallows hard, trying not to show he's intimidated.

He gestures at the brunette seated beside to keep a safe distance. She does as instructed, picking up her coat from the floor to cover herself.

"You know you are only alive because a Bailey killed my fucking father. I would have killed him myself but I guess your grandfather did me a favor."

"A favor which now extends to me and I am grateful. Permit me to-"

"Permit you? What's this a fucking court"

Loud laughter comes from each corner of the room.

"I have a business proposition." Nico's voice comes out loud, sick of Roger interrupting him.

"What fucking business could you possibly offer me?"

Nico looks around to see the faces of the men standing around him, before he takes a step closer to Roger. He was hoping to have the conversation in private without so many hears listening.

"Can we continue this in private?" Fear lacing in his tone as he asks that question.

When he had the plan, he was 90% sure he will come out of this place alive but now that he is here, he's 40% sure he will be able to leave here alive.

"Why so you can kill me? Did Uncle send you or that idiot Rudy?"

The men starts to move close to Nico, his heart beating twice as fast.

"I'm kidding. You are just a pretty boy, I'll crush you if you get close to me."

His men start to laugh again, Nico's heart still racing as he lets out a stressed laughter.

"Leave, come back in a minute. Then I'll decide if you guys should tear him apart." He waves off his men.

Nico's become more calm as the men and also the girl begin to leave.

"Now tell me about this business proposition." Roger adjusts on his money throne.

"If you have noticed this past few months, money isn't coming in as good as it used to-"

To Love A CriminalOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz