"Y'know, we've been best friends for like 6 years now." George says suddenly. The two are currently swinging on the swings at the park. 

"Well obviously you're still my best friend." Kennedy laughs. "You're my only friend, Georgie."

"But that's important, Kenny! We've gotta do something special!"

"Like what? What do best friends do besides play together all the time. Which we already do."

"Whenever a boy and girl are friends, they hold hands and kiss and stuff."

"That's boyfriends and girlfriends! We can't do that until we're thirteen!" She argues.

"Why not?"

"Cause then we'll basically be adults. So we can be boyfriend and girlfriend then."

"That's too long. I like you now! I'll like you when we're thirteen too but I don't wanna wait!"

"You're so impatient, Geo." Kennedy laughs, getting up and walking over to George.

"What are you doing?" He asks timidly.

"Doing something special." She smiles and pecks him gently on the lips. "I've got to go home for supper. See you tomorrow, Georgie!"

She waves and skips away from the star struck George, still sitting on the swings.


"Happy birthday, Kennedy! George is in his room." George's mother, Louise says as she lets Kennedy into the house.

"Thank you!" She replies and runs upstairs to George.

"Kenny!" George smiles as she enters his room. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks, Geo. As usual, you and your mother are going to be the only ones telling me that today."

"Your parents forgot again?" He frowns and pulls her into a hug.

"Yeah. But that's not out of the ordinary. At least you still care."

"I really do." George says. "I really really care. I just want you to know and remember that."

"I know. Thank you, George."

"Ken?" He nervously asks. 

"Yeah?" She replies, releasing herself from his embrace.

"Well, um... you're thirteen now. And I've been thirteen for a few months. And, um... you said that when you were thirteen you'd-"

"Are you trying to ask me to be your girlfriend?" She cuts him off sweetly.

"Um... yeah." He nervously confirms.

"Then my answer is yes." Kennedy giggles, pulling him into yet another hug after kissing his cheek passionately.

"Oh... gear!" George smiles as a wild blush takes over his face.

"And Georgie?" She says, looking him in the eyes.

"Yeah, Kenny?"

"I love you..." now it was Kennedy's turn to blush.

George's fangs are put on full display as he responds to his now girlfriend, "I love you too."


"A full year." George thinks out loud as he places sweet kisses on top of Kennedy's head while she sits on his lap. 

Since it is the one year anniversary of their relationship, they went for a picnic in the hills. Where they couldn't be disturbed.

"Oh, George, we've basically been dating since we were five." She laughs.

"We could've been if you would've let me." He remarks sarcastically.

"Oh, hush." Kennedy giggles before pulling her boyfriend into a deep kiss.

Letting their tongues explore each other's mouths was the farthest they knew they were going to go at this age. And how much further do they really need to go at fourteen? They admittedly confess their love for one another and partake in the frequent snog.

But little did Kennedy know, like most teenage boys, George secretly wanted more. 

(Alright, this was basically the intro chapter, explaining where they stand and the major moments that lead up to where the story gets interesting. If you have comments or suggestions or questions, don't be shy! Also, I finished this chapter like 2 days before I thought I would lol)

K-12 // George HarrisonWhere stories live. Discover now