Chapter three

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The day he will finally meet his wife to be was finally here and a dead fish looked even more happier than Aryan did,honestly he didn't want to do this,he was only doing this his Abba,even though he hasn't been there emotionally,he did everything for them financially,he gave them a roof over their heads,gave them cloths and fed them with the best of food too and took care of their hospital bills when the got sick, he did everything for him,so he couldn't say no to him,he was his role model when it came to business and other stuff except he wasn't too good in the category of being an emotionally supportive dad,why that is they had no idea.

He was lost in his very long train of thoughts until the ring of his phone brought him back to reality.

"Abba na? you remember what today is koh?" His sweet mother enquired in a very calm way

"you have to go else you dad will be mad at you."

"Today? What's today umma? Your birthday? Or is it a National celebration? " I asked pretending not to remember.
"zan bata ma rai! (I'll deal with you)today is the day you're going to see your wife to be,did you get anything for her,seeing that it's the first time you guys will be meeting you have to get her something.

"yes umma,I got her a gift box that contains chocolates of all kinds,got her a dress and heels to match,with a set of jewelry,is that OK maa?"

"it is,love,come home early so you'll make it there on time."
We talked for awhile and then the call got disconnected from the other side.

He was done with his work and He decided to rush home not because He was eager to see her(fiancée) but because Ammi will be mad if he doesn't go home soon to prepare for his very exciting visit.
After going home he didn't even go to my mom,I just went straight to my room,freshened up and then went to see mum before heading out,I'm super nervous, I don't even know why it's not like I'm into this arranged B.S,sometimes I wish i was not the only male child of my parents,at least then I wouldn't be made to start something with a total strange.

Thirty minutes later.
I finally arrived at the residents of my future in-laws but I couldn't enter,I was freaking out from within, it's so unlike me, why is this affecting me so much?
After a while I mustered the courage to enter the house,I said my salam and entered,i was greeted by my mothet in law and then she left after showing me to the living area.

After a while,I heard some whispering,I laid back to eavesdrop
"maaa! I don't want to,I don't know what his thoughts would be and I hate being in the same room with people that aren't you people,maaa please help! I'll shit myself there!! Can't them Abba just tie the knot."
I smiled at the very angel like voice of my fiancée, it's very obvious she's a shy one.
"Baby? C'mon princess,listen to mommy okay? You'll do just fine and have you seen him? He's so gentle, he'll never ever hurt you okay mi amor,maaa loves you baby, promised Daddy you'll go through with this,be our brave little girl and go meet your husband to be."
By the sound of how she's been treated like an egg,I knew she was a spoilt kid. After a while I heard a very tiny Salam,which I could have missed if I wasn't paying attention. She came in looking very shy and tiny,is she even of age?"
"wa'alaikissalam,how are you doing today? I'm Aryan Muhammad kabir." i greeted waiting for her to raise her head up but she didn't.
"Good evening,my name is Inaya Ahmad kasheem and I'm doind good alhamdulillah." she has a lovely voice,its too bad tho that all these were arranged,I'm still not ok with it but what can i do? I have no other choice,i will just try and make everything go smoothly for now,cause Allah knows i am not on board with this.
"Where are you schooling? And what course are you majoring in?"
"Uhmm...i don't go to school. I am being home schooled and i am studying  Business administration,i also have my finals coming up soon insha Allah."
"you're being home schooled? Wow! And congratulations on your up coming finals,i wish you all the best." she answered with a thank you and then an awkward silence fell in the room.
"I'll take my leave  now,will  come and see you again when i get the chance." she just nodded and got up to her feet,i was expecting her to ask why i was leaving so soon amma nothing came,i just can't believe this,Aryan that all girls die to be with is not even acknowledged by this small girl,its ok shaa,we'll soon be married and i will show her what she's missing out on.

I wallked out of the living room and met alhaji Ahmad on my way out.
"Aryan my boy,how are you? Leaving so soon? "
"Yes abba,we have seen each other and i have work to do kuma its getting late."
"Ok dear,hope all is well dai? I mean...were you guys able to settle things? The date and all?"
What are they all expecting? That we make that decision ourselves? that's not cool yar.
"No Abba,we haven't yet,my abba will ne the one to fix that and yes Inaya and I are ok." He nodded and said his good bye.

After driving for awhile i parked the car opposite the house to think about things.
I just hope i am not getting into the wrong hands? wait a minute...why I'm i thinking like that,its not like we love each other and she is a spoilt brat.

After pondering over a lot,i drove the car inside the compound and went straight to my room to freshen up and relax before ummi(my mom) gets here.

thirty minutes later
i came out of my head when i heard a knock at the  door,i smiled to myself knowing who it is,i knew she was going to come sooner or later and here she is.

"Ummi! What brings you here? " i asked smiling,pretending not to know what she came for.
" I came to ask how it went,did you work things out?"
"Ummi i don't think you realise how awkward it is for me to talk about my fiancee with you,amma it was nice,we talked a little,she's  still acting shy,for now amma,she'll get over it."
My mom laugh at that.
"Abba na,she's not acting,that's how she is,she's a reserved girl,you'll get to see that someday. And Aryan I'm glad things are working out because i really love that girl,i have known her for awhile now and she's a real gem. Please take care of her when you're both married."
" I will try my best ummi,i will try to take care of her the best i can insha Allah."
"that's my baby boy,now i need you to send me some  money so that i can start preparing for the lefe,her wedding attires and bridal treatment And what not."
"Ok mom,i will send you some money and please don't hesitate to come to me when you need anything."
"Sure my son,i will do just that for now the lefe,bridal treatments are the only things to do. you'll take care of all the events won't you?"
" sure mom,i will hire an event planner to take care of all those things cause i have a lot to do.
Good night sweet mom,see you tomorrow morning insha Allah."

Finally my mom will let me be, God! I need to go out with my friends to forget about my dilemma. Please help me ya rabbi.

Ok guys here is an update,i hope you enjoy.
Please don't forget to vote and comment,it'll mean a lot to me. I lovd you all my beautiful people.

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