Chapter thirty two.

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Naya's P.O.V

i couldn't sleep well through the night,I was anxious,anxious about the unknown,I didn't know what tomorrow held and that freaked me.
How was I going to cope? Will I ever be good enough for the both of them? Will I be a good mother to them?

"Oh Allah, please help me, show me the way and help guide me towards the right path for I can't do this alone without your help.

After praying fajr,I sat down and said my prayers,bearing my heart out to Allah,the knower of all things black,my life is a blank canvas right now,waiting to be played with,with colors that may or may not add light to my life. I shuddered at the thought of my life crumbling right in front of me with me not being able to do anything. I trust in my lord to make the best of decision for me.

I was still lost in my thoughts when my husband came in,he looked lost,he was over thinking and that was not good for his health,I understand though,he has a lot of things to work out in his and our lives right now,I mean he had a baby not long ago and now he was told he had another baby outside,he must be breaking down from the inside.

"Aryan?" He jumped,I guess he didn't notice my presence there in the first place,

He walked towards me and sat down on the carpet.

"You seem lost,what could possibly be bothering my husband?" I asked gently,so I wouldn't give him the wrong impression,the last thing I need now is for him to be stressed or to feel pressured.

" do you know the feeling when it's like your entire world is crumbling and there's nothing you can do about it? Feeling of being lost knowing no one can ever find you? Do you know the feeling of guilt knowing that nothing you do will ever be as good of a compensation for what you've done to a person? That's how I feel, I feel like the whole world is against me, I feel like nothing I do will ever amount to the level of how sorry I feel whenever I look at you and look at the sadness in your eyes, I don't know where to start from, how to start, I don't know if you will ever see me as as a better man, I ask myself these questions , will I ever be a good father to those children ? will I ever be a good husband to you ?these are questions I have no answers to,I don't know what tomorrow holds and With the way my past is looking,I doubt if I wasn't made of mistakes."

That's bullshit!!!

"Shhhhhh!!!! What are you saying?! Don't say things you might end up regretting,what has gotten into you? You should never think that way,what the hell?!!!"

He was really trying to piss me off and I won't have that,I scolded him some more and finally retired to bed,I needed to sleep for few more hours before morning,this was like a whole new experience for me, I didn't know how I was going to cope with being a mother of two.

10:30 am

We were finally up and ready to go pick up the baby from Layla, and I must say my insides were turning like crazy.

After a 30 minute drive, we finally arrived at our destination, we called up Layla to bring down the baby. After 5 minutes, a tall, Beautiful lady strolled out of the hotel,Carrying a baby bag with the baby strapped to her shoulders, she looked older than me, she should be around 25 to 26, she wasn't bad looking at all.

" Assalamu Alaykum, good morning to you all, before anything I would like to say that I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused your family, it was never my intention to hurt you and your wife, anyways that was no excuse for my behavior, I shouldn't have meddled in a marital home,Please forgive me for all my wrongdoings.
Naya, I would like to request this from you, please help me take care of my son, raise him just like you will raise your own. Please."

I looked at her for a few minutes without saying a word, I was now certain why Aryan went for her, she was strikingly beautiful, she also knew her way with words, she could no doubt bend any man to her will.
I gave her one of my most amazing heart warming smiles that could break even the strongest coldest heart to ever exist and stretched my hand towards her,indirectly telling her to hand the baby over.

" Layla, even though you and my husband caused me so much pain in the beginning of my marriage and you got me so traumatized that every day I have to live through my anxiety, I am not going to punish this child for your mistakes, I hold no grudge against you and this baby is going to become my second child as soon as The DNA test is confirmed, goodbye Layla I really hope you change for the good and I pray you have a good life."

with that I went back to the car and placed the baby in Naya's car seat,not long after,Aryan followed suit.
We drove to the hospital and got the DNA test done,we were currently waiting for the result in the hospital's lobby,was I nervous? Yes! Was I ready for an additional baby on top of the one I got? Not so sure,will I take care of him regardless of his parents past? Hell yeah! I was going to raise them both like a champ.

"Patient 58?" That was our number,Aryan strolled to her and collected the results and we headed home,lucky me zeezee suggested to watch little Zee while we were away also cause she wanted to see the baby,she was a lot like me,she hated the mother of the child,maybe even more than I hate her but then she was willing to create a little space in her heart to love this baby.

It looks like it was going to rain...I looked up as if I could see through the thick coverup of the car,it started raining cats and dogs,I looked towards the baby and smiled,this is a good sign from Allah,in shaa Allah you're going to become a big blessing to us all,I was now determined more than ever to raise my second baby.

We got home finally but due to the heavy downpour,we couldn't go inside our apartment,Aryan decided he finally wanted to talk and also see the results of the DNA test we had gotten earlier.

" I am going to tear this open and whatever we see inside doesn't change the fact that I love you so much and I am willing to do anything to make you happy and I pray this test result wouldn't be the reason why we go apart."

He said that part very low,if I wasn't paying attention I would have missed it. I took his hand in mine and raised his head towards my face.

"No matter what happens, regardless of the outcome of this DNA test, I won't leave you, I will never leave you Inshallah, with or without the DNA test I am willing and capable of taking care of this child,I am going to love him just as much as I do little Zee in shaa Allah.

with that,he tore open the results and when he saw the result,he wore such a blank look and I immediately knew what the answer was,he was indeed Aryan's flesh and blood.

" now that it has been confirmed,what do we name our little prince?" I turned to my little boy and smiled. Aryan looked at me with love,confusion and frustration but then he smiled and said

"You are enjoying this huh? This is my punishment? " I rolled my eyes at that.

"Not everyone punishes like you do,I have really accepted my fate,what's the point of leaving in denial or hate? Our fate has been sealed,I am not 100% there yet but I will get there,now stop being a whinny boy and help me name our baby. What do you think of Zaid? I figured he should have similar name to his twin, oh and Aryan? We are never telling them the truth." He smiled at me and gave me a big hug.

"Alhamdulillah! Thank you Naya for being the best,I love you so much."

We sat down there in comforting silence for a bit and I was glad.
So many people might hate on me or call me gullible but I know what I am doing and knowing my sealed fate,I was willing to make the most of it.

Cheers to a new future.

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