Chapter Thirty One

Start from the beginning

"Oh-kay!" I raise my eyebrows with a puzzled expression taking over my face.

"Well let's go down, I want to wait for them and see their expression."

"Why do you want to do that? We're like ten minutes early." I scrunch up my face.

"Cause they probably expect us to be the late."

"Well then, after you..." I raise from the stool before placing my arm around Mel's shoulder. We walk out of the room and use the elevator to get down.

"Did you two really need all that time?" Adrian checks his black Hugo boss watch and shakes his head.

"Bu-" Mel shrieks creasing her forehead.

"And the fact that I had to re braid my hair but you still took your time." Judas rolls his eyes, but I'm not dumb enough to give into this joke of an act.

"You guys raced us down. Once you heard elevator you two ran down the stairs, am I right?" I fold my arms deadpanning the two boys in front of us.

"Why would you say that?" Adrian says.

I stride over to the two boys who start to part from each other as they see I'm headed for in between the two of them. Stopping besides both, I plant the palm of my hand on the left side of both the guys' chest. In an instant the increased heartbeat of the guys hit my hand to no surprise.

I step back revealing a smug face to the boys who seem to have knocked off some sort of confidence.

"It's not complex science to know that when you run, your heart rate increases." I roll my eyes, clenching onto my silver clutch bag before walking past them with Mel trailing from behind.

"We're going in your car right?" I ask Mel as we step onto the driveway. She takes out her black and grey car key from her black shoulder bag, holding it up and shaking it in the air.

"What's wrong with my car?" Adrian scowls in an offended voice.

"Boy, your car is not it!" Judas bursts out, "It's just not. It's like arriving to a pool party with a snow jacket! Do the maths."

Adrian's face looks so hurt and as much as I can try to hold in my laugh, I can't. I mean his car is nice for evening drives and everything but not for the underground.

"Viola, I thought you like my car."

"I do, just not for this."

"Better luck next time, bitch! Now, everyone please board the bitch wagon."

"You know what they say, a car and its owner have many things in common."" Adrian smirks with disgust.

"Yeah and your ugly ass car looks like you." She scowls back at him then bends her head down to enter the car.

"Fav, I'm sitting in front tonight." Judas runs around to the other side of the car and enters the passengers seat.

"You lied to me." Adrian shakes his head and opens the car door for me.

"Suck it up." I bend down about to enter the car. Adrian gets down to my ear level, almost right on top of me, as if he can't wait for me to sit down first.

"Oh you will."

"Fuck you."

"Huh?" Judas glances back at me with concern all over his face.

"Nothing." I brush him off and slide across to the other side.

"Adrian get your fat ass into the car before I run over your feet."

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