Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 16 (Pt 1)

Start from the beginning

Renewing his Warming Charm on his outer cloak, Snape pulled on his gloves and made his way down the path to the gate where he Disapparated.

A few seconds later, Snape was in front of Malfoy Manor. He passed through the wards and walked up to the front door and firmly knocked. Only a few moments passed before the door was opened by a house elf that showed him in and to the parlour where Lucius was going over some paperwork. Upon the older man's nose were a set of silver rimmed spectacles with half-moon shaped lenses.

"Reading glasses already, Lucius?" Snape needled.

"For a little while," he said folding the spectacles and tucking them into an inner pocket. "I have an appointment with an Oculist in Paris next year who has created some very fascinating spell work to aid in correcting the vision in aging eyes."

"It sounds experimental," Snape said with some skepticism.

Lucius nodded as he rolled up his paperwork and tucked that into an inner pocket as well. "It is, but the Healer has a sterling reputation and I quite hate these glasses."

Lucius led Snape to the Floo. Snape threw in the glittering, black powder. "Mrs. Figg's home, Privet Drive!"

Nearly a minute later there came Mrs. Figg's bright voice, "Severus, dear! Is that you?"

Lucius cut his snicker short as Snape scowled at him. "Mrs. Figg, may we come through?"

"Of course, dear. Come along!" she called gaily.

"You first, dear," chuckled Lucius.

"Shut up," muttered Snape as he stepped through.

--The Dursleys--

Mrs. Figg assisted the two wizards with unsolicited advice as they transfigured their clothing into more modern looking Muggle clothing. Both wore trousers and boots. Lucius wore a more formal looking suit beneath an expensive, handmade wool coat. Snape wore a simple cotton shirt, a tie, and a suit coat jacket that matched his trousers. He wore a longer coat of heavy, pressed felt. They were then ready to visit the Dursleys.

Petunia Dursley was in her perfectly clean kitchen baking cookies to go with the cake she had just finished. Dudley was upstairs chatting online with his friends and probably playing his latest computer game with them. Vernon was in his favourite chair in the living room, on his third beer, as he watched a game. When a commercial came on he flipped to another game and watched that for a few minutes.

At first, no one heard the precise three knocks upon the front door. A second time, Vernon heard it, but he ignored it. He never opened the door. It wasn't his job. A third time and it was Petunia, just as she was taking out a sheet full of cookies, that heard the knock.

"I'll get it, Vernon, dear. Don't bother yourself!" she called from the kitchen. Petunia quickly divested herself of apron and oven gloves and trotted quickly out of the kitchen, and to the front door. She primped her hair, put on her best smile of welcome, and opened the door before her visitors could knock for a fourth time.

Petunia's smile began to falter as she eyed the two, rather official looking men on her doorstep. One had absolute hair of white that was neatly tied back at the nape of his neck. He smiled unctuously at Petunia. The man's companion was much more sullen and had the air of a salesman about him. Petunia's smile was now gone.

"Yes?" she asked falteringly. "Is there something I may do for you?"

Lucius spoke, and to both Snape and Petunia's surprise, he held out what appeared to be a small, plastic holder for Muggle ID. "Wizarding Childrens Services, Mrs. Dursley. Might we come in?"

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