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Thank you guys for showering this story with all the love. Here is the next part which is an extremely long unedited one.

Happy Reading ❤️

"Swara are you sure that jail is an appropriate punishment for Ragini? We could do more. You know right?" Sanskar asked Swara as they were heading to court. Today was the last hearing of Ragini's case and Swara being the main victim, her presence was important over there.

" Yes Sanskar but according to me that's the best she and her Gadodia family can get. For dadi, Mr. Gadodia and Ragini, it was always their reputation that mattered and what more can stain their respect in the society other than the fact that their Lado is going to be imprisoned for several crimes. If we will also act like her then what will be the difference left between her and us. Law will do its work well.  "Swara said looking outside the window.

Sanskar hummed in response. She was right. Anyways the decision was going to be in their favor because all the proofs were against Ragini and in the last hearing, being helpless she had to confess all her crimes. Although Shekhar Gadodia tried a lot to set his Ragini free but all his efforts went in vain. Soon they reached court where they were joined by Dev and Sonakshi.

In Court

"Keeping in mind all the proofs and self confession of Mrs. Ragini Laksh Maheshwari, this court punishes her for 14 years of imprisonment. The court is adjourned."

The judge declared and left the court room. Ragini stood there with a blank face. She understood that she dragged herself into this. Soon she went out with the police without sparing a glance at her family. They meant nothing to her. The only family she ever wanted was Laksh but he never showed up after the day of her arrest.

Love is also a weird thing. It makes you go to extremes and still wont give you the result you want.

"You both okay?" Dev asked as he saw Swara and Sanskar hugging each other without uttering a word. Sanskar nodded.

"I am feeling peace today. It feels like not only my child but my own soul got justice today." Swara said breaking the hug. She had always forgiven Ragini considering the fact that she was her sister but the truth is deep down in a corner, her heart always wanted to punish her and now it was happening. For them this only was Ragini's punishment unaware of the fact that there was more in store for her in the future. But that's for destiny to take care of.

Next day

"Swara you have packed everything chhori?" Sujata asked coming in their room. Sonakshi and Dev were there as well. Sanskar was in study with Ram due to some business thing.

"Yes mom. All done." Swara smiled.

"Don't worry aunty. I have done her packing very properly. Afterall it's their much awaited honeymoon which they never got." Sonakshi said making everyone chuckle. Swara and Sanskar were leaving for Maldives in evening.

Sujata became teary eyes remembering the past. Her children never got to spend their newly married days like other normal couples. They were always surrounded with problems.

" Enjoy to the fullest you both. "Sujata said caressing Swara's hairs.

" Aunty tears are now faded from life. Now only smiles. "Dev said side hugging her. Sujata nodded.

Swara was instructing Uttara and Nikhil about the event work so that everything goes smoothly in her absence. Sanskar was observing her happily. His old was back. She was now a professional as well as a home maker. That's what he wanted. She living her life the way she wants.

Broken Without You ✔️✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن